UTC Blogs supports 3 Menu positions:
- Top Menu in the blue bar beneath the header image
- Footer Menu in the gold section near the bottom of the page
- Menu Widget in a widget position
Blog Administrator user role capabilities
Blog Administrators have full capability to add, edit and arrange Custom Menus via the Appearance admin menu.
Blog Administrators may configure a menu to “Automatically add new top-level pages…” so new top-level pages will receive a menu item.
The UTC WordPress theme has 2 menu regions:
- Top menu (blue menu, beneath the blue header)
- Footer menu, a simple text list in the footer
Blog Editor user role capabilities
Editors can set page hierarchy while editing a post in Page Attributes by assigning a Parent. Pages with “no parent” are top-level pages, while pages with a parent will get a menu item below the parent.
Dropdown menus
The Top menu in the UTC WordPress theme has each top level item as a trigger for the dropdown menu, so there is no link action other than the dropdown (this is intentional, for mobile touch support and accessibility).
To create a dropdown menu:
- Create index pages with some introductory text as the top level pages
- Associate child pages via Page Attributes so they will appear as menu items below the top-level menu items
The dropdown menu is only 1 level deep (again, for mobile and accessibility support)
Additional information resources
For a visual and video guide to creating and editing WordPress menus, please view:
More info is available via the WordPress User Guide.