This Spring, Dr. Anthony Skjellum was named Director of the SimCenter: National Center for Computational Science. As of August 1, Dr. Skjellum will also serve as a member of the CECS Computer Science faculty and as chair of the Center of Excellence in Applied Computational Science and Engineering, funded by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission.
Dr. Skjellum received his education at Cal Tech. His PhD work emphasized portable, parallel software for simulation, with a specific emphasis on message-passing systems. From 1990-93, he was a computer scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, working in the areas of performance-portable message passing and portable parallel math libraries.
From 1993 – 2014 he held faculty positions at Mississippi State University and the University of Alabama at Birmingham. Prior to coming to UTC he led research and development
in cyber and high performance computing at Auburn University’s College of Engineering.
In his new post, Dr. Skjellum will continue his work in high performance computing and cyber security. He is a senior member of ACM and IEEE, and Associate Member of the American Academy of Forensic Science (AAFS), Digital & Multimedia Sciences Division.
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