Funded Proposals (11/1/2013 – 11/30/2013)
The following UTC faculty and staff recently attracted $220,000 in external grant and contract awards:
The SimCenter Research Team attracted $220,000 from the Office of Naval Research to develop a computational procedure to evaluate various drag reduction strategies for hydrodynamic marine vehicles. The research will lead to improved hydrodynamic performance of naval vehicles.
Submitted Proposals (11/1/2013 – 11/30/2013)
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals with the potential to generate over $1,017,178 in external funding, if awarded:
Dr. Cuilan Gao (Mathematics) requested $81,129 from the National Science Foundation to conduct collaborative research with colleagues from the University of Massachusetts Lowell, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, and California State University at Fresno. Collaborators will build a high-performance cloud computing infrastructure for education and biomedical informatics research.
Dr. John Lee (Chemistry) requested $55,000 from the American Chemical Society for a project focused on exploring the chemistry of a certain class of compounds. The proposed project will give undergraduate chemistry students the opportunity to learn new synthetic and characterization techniques.
Dr. John McCormack (WUTC) requested $124,369 from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) for a Radio Community Service project. The funds will be used to purchase programming for the radio station.
Ms. Laurie Melnik (Southeast Center for Education in the Arts) requested $300 from the Hunter Museum of American Art to conduct a three-hour workshop to support the training of frontline museum staff. The workshop will focus on developing a training method that can lead to stronger guest relations and customer service.
Dr. Joey Shaw (Biology, Geology and Environmental Sciences), in collaboration with multiple universities in the Southeastern U.S., requested $494,151 from the National Science Foundation to build a regional-scale dataset of native Southeastern plant biota. The completed dataset can be used in exploring the effects of climate change on plants, speed the discovery of vulnerable plant populations, and improve the ability of land managers to conserve regional biodiversity.
The SimCenter Research Team requested $5,297 from Cormetech Inc. to perform physics-based computations on an air pollution control device.
The SimCenter Research Team and Ms. Lindsey Frost Cleary (SimCenter) requested $20,000 from the National Science Foundation to enable two local, science teachers to participate in a wind-energy research project and translate their research experience into lessons in their classrooms. The selected teachers, both from East Ridge High School, will develop exciting, hands-on lesson plans and share their experiences with colleagues in their school and the broader district.
Dr. Chris Smith (School of Nursing) requested $196,207 from the National Institutes of Health via Boston University Medical Center for Learning Together About Mammograms (LTM), a trial of a DVD-based educational intervention targeting women with intellectual disabilities and their direct support workers. Research results will help address important disparities in the early detection of breast cancer.
Dr. John Swanson (History) was invited to submit a full proposal for $19,990 to the Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga to produce a documentary focused on the efforts to preserve Engel Stadium. The film will also explore the multi-faceted stories of people in the neighboring communities.
Dr. Amye Warren (Psychology) requested $11,207 from United Way of Greater Chattanooga to continue services for Project Ready for School and Child Care Consortium. This grant will provide funds for a graduate student and an adjunct in 2014.
Dr. Kristin Whitson (Physics) requested $9,528 from the Alliance of Women Philanthropists to establish a student volunteer service organization committed to bringing hands-on science lessons to middle-school students. As they work to enhance STEM education in Chattanooga schools, UTC students will be exposed to the importance of volunteering within their communities.