Funded Proposals (11/1/2014-11/30/2014)
The following UTC faculty and staff recently attracted $62,218 in external grant and contract awards:
Ms. Sandy Cole, Director of the Center for Community Career Education (CCCE), secured $12,123 from the Hamilton County Department of Education to continue the Postsecondary Awareness with Success (PAWS) program for 4th and 5th grade students at Brown Academy. The students will learn the importance of academic success in elementary school and the benefits of a strong academic foundation in middle and high school.
Dr. Chris Cunningham, UC Foundation Associate Professor of Psychology, received $3,408 from the University of Tennessee Health Science Center and Arnold P. Gold Foundation to better integrate staff chaplains into an internal medicine training program. The long-term goal of this project is to provide mentoring about spirituality and humanistic medicine to all medical students and residents affiliated with UT College of Medicine’s Chattanooga Unit.
Dr. Lucien Ellington, Director of the Asia Program and UC Foundation Professor of Education, Dr. Sidney Lu, UTC Assistant Professor of History, and Ms. Asami Nakano, UTC’s Japan Outreach Coordinator, in collaboration with the UC Foundation, received $4,999 from The Japan Foundation for Global Partnerships to implement a two-day professional development program for teachers in Tennessee. The program will encourage teachers to integrate activities about Japan into middle and high school World History and Geography courses.
Ms. Lanie Lundgrin and Dr. Susan Eastman, of the English department, secured $2,000 from the Community Foundation of Greater Chattanooga to establish a Veterans’ Writers Group at UTC. The project will employ creative writing workshops for veterans that will culminate in an annual literary collection to spread awareness of the experiences of former military members.
Ms. Laurie Melnik, Interim Director, and Dr. Susanne Burgess, Director of Music Education, at Southeast Center for Education in the Arts, secured $1,688 from Williamson County Schools to implement a workshop for drama and music specialists. During the workshop, participants will learn how to bridge students’ learning with performance experiences.
The SimCenter Research Team secured an additional $38,000 from High Performance Technologies Inc., bringing the total award to $48,000, to evaluate various higher-order methods for unsteady flow to determine best practices in their use.
Submitted Proposals (11/1/2014 – 11/30/2014)
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals with the potential to generate over $2,223,775 in external funding, if awarded:
Ms. Sandy Cole (Center for Community Career Education) requested $10,000 from the Alliance of Women Philanthropists to expand a new collegiate outreach program for elementary schools. In alignment with the Governor’s Drive to 55 movement, UTC student ambassadors will travel to elementary schools throughout our region to promote postsecondary awareness to more than 1,000 children.
Drs. June Hanks and Susan Barlow (Physical Therapy) requested $10,686 from the Alliance of Women Philanthropists to purchase a human patient simulator for UTC’s Physical and Occupational Therapy doctoral students. The simulator will enhance students’ skills by providing procedural and decision-making instruction in a realistic and controlled setting.
Drs. Yukie Kajita, Jennifer Boyd, Mark Schorr (Biology), Gary Maynard (Sociology), Cuilan Gao (Mathematics), Leanora Brown (Economics), and Mr. Andy Carroll (Center for Academic and Innovative Technologies) requested $764,175 from NSF’s Coupled Natural and Human Systems program to conduct research on invasive species in a southern hemlock forest system. Through this research, the team intends to build a multidisciplinary bridge between biology, sociology, and economics to improve current understanding and management practices regarding invasive species.
Ms. Kristin Labs (International Programs Office) requested $9,370 from the Alliance of Women Philanthropists to implement free, after-school language classes for high need K-5 learners in Chattanooga. As an added benefit, UTC students will gain experience teaching classes in French, German, and Spanish through partnerships with the Chattanooga School of Language and public schools in the area.
Drs. Chuck Margraves, Trevor Elliot, Abdul Ofoli (Engineering), and Jennifer Ellis (Education) requested $1,103,296 from NSF to introduce sustainability awareness to middle school students in the Tennessee Valley using a newly-renovated Zero + Energy building. Along with providing professional development to local middle school science teachers about sustainability, the project will include a Summer Youth Program to motivate students to consider STEM careers using small-scale hands-on experiments and exposing them to the science behind the Zero + Energy building.
Drs. Claire McCullough and Katherine Winters (Computer Science) requested $8,644 from the Alliance of Women Philanthropists to help increase women’s participation in computer science. The project plans to engage and inspire girls and young women to consider careers in computer science and STEM via outreach activities at the middle school, high school, and college levels.
The SimCenter Research Team requested $292,604 from NSF to fund research on design optimization for particle-laden flows. Using a physics-based design process, the project team intends to produce solutions that can be used in a variety of physics applications.
Mr. Bill Parker (Financial Aid) requested $25,000 from the Alliance of Women Philanthropists to hire students to serve as peer financial coaches (PFCs) at UTC’s Financial Wellness Center. PFCs will provide one-on-one financial coaching, solicit and organize workshops and events, market the program, and work with local high schools to help prospective students with the FAFSA process.