The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $3,737,338 in external grant and contract awards:
Dr. Victor Bumphus (Social, Cultural, and Justice Studies) has received $23,420 from the International Association of Chiefs of Police for the project entitled, “Service, Support & Justice: A Strategy to Enhance Law Enforcement Response to Victims Technical Assistance.”
Dr. Jennifer Ellis and Ms. Avalon Gourlay (School of Education), Ms. Kendra Duncan (Academic Affairs), Dr. Deanna Beasley (Biology, Geology & Environmental Science), and Dr. Amanda Clark (Psychology) have received $860,319 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Track 1: UTChattanooga STEM Education Noyce Scholarship Program.”
Drs. Ignatius Fomunung, Bradley Harris, Weidong Wu (Civil & Chemical Engineering), Dr. Gary McDonald (Mechanical Engineering), Dr. Neslihan Alp (Engineering Management & Technology), Dr. Kate Rogers (Psychology), and Ms. Marcy Porter (School of Nursing) have received $992,996 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “UTC-ASSETS: Academic Intervention Social Supports, and Scholarships for Engineering Transfer Students.”
Vice Chancellor George Heddleston (University Relations) has received $121,948 from the Corporation for Public Broadcasting for the project entitled, “FY 2018 Radio Community Service Grant.”
Dr. Nicholas Honerkamp (Social, Cultural, and Justice Studies) has received $5,000 from the Georgia Department of Natural Resources for the project entitled, “Fort Frederica Project.”
Dr. Joanne Romagni (Vice Chancellor for Research) has received $1,171,986 from the Tennessee Higher Education Commission and the University of Chattanooga Foundation for the project entitled, “Center for Excellence in Applied Computational Science & Engineering.”
Dr. Li Yang (Computer Science & Engineering) has received $561,669 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Collaborative Research: SFS Program: Strengthening the National Cyber Security Workforce.”
Good Luck!
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $3,216,919 in external funding, if awarded:
Dr. Trevor Elliott (Mechanical Engineering) has requested $100,000 from the Denso North America Foundation for the project entitled, “Investigation and Implementation of Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) Equipment and Software for Baja SAE Capstone Project.”
Dr. Barry Kamrath (School of Education) and Dr. Amanda Clark (Psychology) have requested $98,789 from the Hilda and Preston Davis Foundation for the project entitled, “Bullying and Female Adolescent Eating Disorders: Attitudes and Perceptions.”
Ms. Laurie Melnik and Dr. Joel Baxley (Southeast Center for Education in the Arts), and Dr. Lee Harris (Music) have requested $89,824 from the Lyndhurst Foundation for the project entitled, “Arts Pathways Plan.”
Ms. Carol Oglesby (Student Affairs) and Dr. Burch Oglesby (Health and Human Performance) have requested $12,000 from the American Cancer Society for the project entitled, “SmokeFree UTC.”
Dr. Anthony Skjellum (SIM Center) has requested $1,910,712 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Practical Community Prototyping for MPI-Next: Functionality and Performance, Best Practices and Rapid Adoption.”
Dr. Takeo Suzuki (International Education), Dr. Robert Dooley (Academic Affairs), and Dr. Valerie Rutledge (College of Health, Education and Professional Studies) have requested $379,961 from Arizona State University for the project entitled, “2018 Young Southeast Asian Leaders Initiative (YSEALI) Academic Fellowship.”
Drs. Endong Wang, Neslihan Alp, and Mr. Paul Baggett (Engineering Management & Technology) have requested $99,373 from the National Association of Home Builders for the project entitled, “Preliminary Proposal: Homebuilding Education Leadership Program.”
Drs. Li Yang, Yu Liang, and Dalei Wu (Computer Science & Engineering) have requested $526,260 from the University of Vermont for the project entitled, “A Fast, Reliable and Secure User Interface to Train and Equip Firefighters with Augmented Reality.”