The following UTC Faculty and Staff have attracted $5,182,550 in external grant and contract awards:
Dr. Amir Alakaam (Health & Human Performance) has received $25,000 from the City of Chattanooga for the project entitled, “Nutrition Education Program.”
Dr. Hunter Huckabay (Center for Community Career Education), has received $654,390 from the US Department of Education for the project entitled, “UTC GEAR UP Project.”
Dr. Keith Bridges (Center for Community Career Education) has received $241,332 from the U.S. Department of Education for the project entitled, “Northwest Georgia Educational Opportunity Center NWGEOC.”
Dr. Keith Bridges (Center for Community Career Education) has received $325,656 from the U.S. Department of Education for the project entitled, “Southern Appalachian Educational Opportunity Center (SAEOC).”
Dr. Melissa Laseter (Enrollment Management and Student Affairs) has received $352,519 from the US Department of Education for the project entitled, “UTC Student Support Services Program.”
Twyler Boykin (Center for Community Career Education) has received $309,505 from the US Department of Education for the project entitled, “University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Upward Bound Math & Science.”
Charles Mix (IGTLab) has received $2,934 from the Enterprise Center for the project entitled, “Affordable Connectivity Plan Impact Spatial Analysis & Mapping.”
Dr. Amber Roache (School of Nursing) has received $628,790 from the Health Resources and Services Administration for the project entitled, “Clinical-Academic Partnerships: Breaking Down Barriers to Care 2023-27.”
Dr. Linda Hill (School of Nursing) has received $18,621 from the Health Resources and Services Administration for the project entitled, “2020-27 HRSA Nurse Anesthetist Traineeships.”
Dr. Donald Reising (Electrical Engineering) and Dr. Mohamed Fadul have received $34,129 to support a research project.
Dr. Donald Reising (Electrical Engineering) has received $45,740 from Purdue University for the project entitled, “2020 SCALE Consortium – Radiation-Hard Microelectronics Workforce Development Consortium.”
Dr. Austin Harris (CUIP/ UTC Research Institute) Dr. Dalei Wu and Dr. Yukun Yuan (Computer Science and Engineering) have received $149,764 from the State of Tennessee Appropriations for the project entitled, “COAST RV App Development.”
Dr. John Freeze and Rebecca Hurst (Center for Professional Education) have received $34,502 from the Tennessee Office of Criminal Justice Programs for the project entitled, “JAG – Southeastern Leadership Academy 2023-2026.”
Dr. Donald Reising (Electrical Engineering) and Dr. Tian Li (Chemistry and Physics) have received $19,022 from the Tennessee Technological University for the project entitled, “Beginnings: Creating & Sustaining a Diverse Community of EQUIS Across the Southeastern US.”
Dr. Jennifer Lynberg and Dr. Krysta Murrillo (School of Education) have requested and received $35,000 from the United Way of Chattanooga for the project entitled, “Childcare Educators Workshop.”
Dr. Stephan Davenport and Dr. Spencer Ursey (Accounting) have requested and received $13,000 from the Urban League of Greater Chattanooga, Inc. for the project entitled, “2023-24 IRS?Volunteer Income Tax Assistance Matching Grant Program”
Catherine Quinlan (English) and Dr. Lucy Schultz (Philosophy and Religion) have received $149,957 from the National Endowment for the Humanities for the project entitled, “Implementing a Humanities-Informed Environmental Studies Major at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga.”
Dr. Bradley Harris (Civil and Chemical Engineering), Dr. Trevor Elliot (Mechanical Engineering), Dr. Stephanie Philipp (School of Education), Dr. Raga Ahmed (Electrical Engineering) and Dr. Rahul Bhosale (Civil and Chemical Engineering) in collaboration with Cleveland State Community College, have received $509,398 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Explorations: Experiential Learning in Advanced Manufacturing towards Novel and Diverse Career Opportunities for Rural TN Students.”
Dr. Dalei Wu and Dr. Yu Liang (Computer Science and Engineering) in collaboration with the University of Vermont & State Agricultural College, have received $599,989 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, ” Real-time Subsurface Sensing with Cognitive Networked Robotic System.”
Dr. Francesca Leasi (Biology, Geology and Environmental Science) in collaboration with Florida International University, has received $696,680 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “The Evolution of Salinity Tolerance in Monogonont Rotifers.”
Dr. Mengjun Xie (National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense), has received $290,124 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “The National Cybersecurity Workforce.”
Dr. Brooke Persons (Social, Cultural & Justice Studies) has received $9,832 from the U.S. Forest Service for the project entitled, “USFS Internship – Cherokee National Forest.”
Dr. Deborah McAllister (School of Education), in collaboration with Vanderbilt University has received $36,666 from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the project entitled, “Elementary and Middle Grades STEM.”
Good Luck!
The following UTC faculty and staff members submitted proposals for the potential to generate over $12,819,897 in external funding if awarded:
Dr. Deborah Mudali (Computer Science and Engineering) has requested $88,905 from the AI/Machine Learning Consortium to Advance Health Equity and Researcher Diversity for the project entitled, “Assessing the Impact of Social Determinants of Health on Diabetes Management in Underserved Communities Using OCHIN EHR Data.”
Dr. Yu Liang (Computer Science and Engineering), Dr. Katherine Elverd (Music Therapy), Dr. Zibin Guo (Social, Cultural & Justice Studies), Dr. Yingfeng Wang and Dr. Dalei Wu (Computer Science and Engineering) have requested $149,500 from the AI/Machine Learning Consortium to Advance Health Equity and Researcher Diversity for the project entitled, “Enhancing Healthcare Equity through Large-Language-Model-Enabled Diagnostic and Therapeutic Music Modality.”
Dr. Rick Dierenfeldt (Social, Cultural & Justice Studies), in collaboration with the City of Chattanooga, has requested $245,429 from the Bureau of Justice Assistance for the project entitled, “Chattanooga United to Reduce Violence.”
Dr. Mina Sartipi (CUIP/ UTC Research Institute) has requested $100,397 from DENSO International America, Inc for the project entitled, “Federated Trajectory Prediction for VRU Safety.”
Dr. Trevor Elliott (Mechanical Engineering) has requested $200,000 from the Denso North America Foundation for the project entitled, “Integration of Metal Additive Manufacturing into UTC Senior Design.”
Dr. Mina Sartipi, Austin Harris, Dr. Tianya Zhang (CUIP/ UTC Research Institute), Dr. Donald Reising (Electrical Engineering), and Dr. Chandra Ward (Social, Cultural and Justice Studies) have requested $1,911,682 from the Department of Energy for the project entitled, “Interoperable V2X Solutions for Advancing Energy Efficiency in Diverse Traffic Environments.”
Dr. Tian Li (Chemistry and Physics) has requested $149,997 from the Department of Energy for the project entitled, “Multipartite-entangled quantum-error-corrected sensing networks for high energy physics.”
Dr. Sherah Basham and Dr. Rick Dierenfeldt (Social, Cultural & Justice Studies) have requested $399,931 from the Department of Justice for the project entitled, “Redlands Field-Initiated Action Research.”
Melissa Laseter, Maurice Green and Michael Lewis (Enrollment Management and Student Affairs) have requested $1,762,595 from the US Department of Education for the project entitled, “UTC Student Support Services Program 2025-2030.”
Dr. Kara Hamilton (Health & Human Performance) has requested $9,995 from Fast Break Athletics for the project entitled, “Fast Break Clients utilization of HHP Sports Lab.”
Dr. Rick Dierenfeldt, Dr. Tammy Garland, and Dr. Gale Iles (Social, Cultural & Justice Studies) in collaboration with the Hamilton County Government, have requested $159,346 from the Health Resources and Service Administration for the project entitled, “Substance Use Disorders and Recovery in Rhea County, Tennessee.”
Dr. Austin Harris (CUIP/ UTC Research Institute) has requested $320,250 from the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development for the project entitled, “HD Mapping for Asset Management and Real-Time Infrastructure Monitoring.”
Dr. Mina Sartipi (CUIP/ UTC Research Institute) has requested $490,000 from the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development for the project entitled, “Advancing High Powered Dynamic Wireless Charging for Medium and Heavy Duty Vehicles.”
Dr. Donald Reising (Electrical Engineering) and Dr. Tian Li (Chemistry and Physics) in collaboration with Tennessee Technological University have requested $58,364 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Collaborative Research: Beginnings: Creating and Sustaining a Diverse Community of Expertise in Quantum Information Science (EQUIS) Across the South-Eastern United States.”
Dr. Christopher Cunningham (Psychology) has requested $14,001 from the House: University Ministries of Chattanooga for the project entitled, “Campus Ministry Impact Project – A Longitudinal Study for The House: University Ministries of Chattanooga.”
Dr. Valerie Rutledge (CHEPS) has requested $2,500 from The Jack Miller Center for Teaching America’s Founding Principles and History for the project entitled, “The Fourteenth Annual Dr. Richard Gruetzemacher Constitution Day Lecture Series.”
Dr. Angela Dittmar (Arts-Based Collaborative) has requested $25,000 from the United Way of Chattanooga for the project entitled, “UWGC-Chattanooga 2.0 Wolftrap Artist Residencies 2024.”
Dr. Mina Sartipi (CUIP/ UTC Research Institute) has requested $45,000 from the University of Memphis for the project entitled, “Designing Multimodal Transit for Blue Oval City and Volkswagen.”
Dr. Yukun Yuan, Dr. Yu Liang, (Computer Science and Engineering), Dr. Jejal Reddy Bathi (Civil and Chemical Engineering), Dr. Dawn Ford (Biology, Geology and Environmental Science), Dr. Junrong Shi (Social Work), and Dr. Cindy Hornsby (Childrens Center) have requested $1,249,915 from the US Environmental Protection Agency for the project entitled, “Community-Aware Air Quality Management for School-age Children through Sensing, Integration, Improvement, and Intervention.”
Dr. Donald Reising (Electrical Engineering), in collaboration with Auburn University, has requested $293,988 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Collaboration Research: SaTC: CORE: Small: Symbiotic Trust and Identity For Resilient Authentication and Access Control.”
Dr. Donald Reising (Electrical Engineering), in collaboration with Tennessee Technological University, has requested $299,875 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Collaborative Research: NewSpectrum: Resiliency Spectrum Management Automation in A Zero-Trust Framework.”
Dr. Jannatul Ferdoush (Biology, Geology and Environmental Science) has requested $487,684 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “BRC-BIO: Understanding the regulatory mechanisms of transcription factors by Ubiquitin Proteasome System.”
Dr. Khalid Tantawi (Engineering Management and Technology) has requested $681,381 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Determining the Effects of the Increased Prevalence of Phosphatidylserine at the Outer Leaflet and the Change in Fatty Acid Composition on the Electrical Properties of Lipid Bilayer Membranes.”
Dr. Luis Sanchez Diaz (Chemistry and Physics) has requested $598,937 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Biomechanics and Rheological Properties of Escherichia Coli in Response to Ampicillin.”
Dr. Mengjun Xie (Computer Science / National Center of Academic Excellence in Cyber Defense) has requested $294,249 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “CyberCorps Scholarship for Service (Renewal): Strengthening the National Cybersecurity Workforce with Integrated Learning of AI/ML and Cybersecurity.”
Dr. Murat Barisik (Mechanical Engineering) has requested $596,510 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “CAREER: Multiscale characterization of heat transfer in nanoporous materials assisted by machine learning.”
Dr. Rahul Bhosale (Chemical Engineering) has requested $684,087 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “A Low-Temperature Isothermal Solar Fuel Production via a Chemical Looping Reforming of Methane and H2O and/or CO2 Splitting Redox Cycle..”
Dr. Reetesh Ranjan (Mechanical Engineering) has requested $607,371 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Torwads Physics-Based Modeling of Transition to Turbulance in Wall-Bounded Flows With Predictive Capabilities.”
Dr. Xiunan Wang (Mathematics), in collaboration with Georgia Southern University, Georgia State University and the University of Southern Mississippi, has requested $70,751 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Collaborative Research: MPOPHC: Triple Epidemic Modeling: Policy options for COVID-19, influenza and RSV in the US.”
Dr. Yunye Shi (Mechanical Engineering) has requested $677,594 from the National Science Foundation for the project entitled, “Deep-learning Assisted Experimental Characterization of Nanofuel Droplet Combustion.”
Dr. Austin Harris (CUIP), in collaboration with Vanderbilt University, has requested $19,999 from the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development for the project entitled, “Mobile Lidar Trailer Partnership.”
Dr. Deborah McAllister and Dr. Jennifer Lynberg (School of Education), in collaboration with Vanderbilt University, have requested $124,664 from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration for the project entitled, “STEM Topics for Pre-service Teachers.”