FUNDED PROPOSALS: (6/1/2012 – 6/30/2012) CONGRATULATIONS! The following UTC faculty and staff recently attracted $323,800 in external grant and contract awards: Mr. Andy Carroll, Geographic Information Systems Manager of Academic and Research Computing Services, secured $25,000 from the Lyndhurst Foundation to purchase and deploy Decision Support Software. The software will be used on UTC’s Geographic…
May 2012 Submissions and Awards
FUNDED PROPOSALS: (5/1/2012 – 5/31/2012) CONGRATULATIONS! The following UTC faculty and staff recently attracted $1,097,499 in external grant and contract awards: Ms. Belinda Brownlee, Director of Upward Bound, secured $302,271 from the U.S. Department of Education to continue the work of Upward Bound during the 2012-2013 academic year. Upward Bound provides supplemental academic assistance, educational…
April 2012 Submissions and Awards
FUNDED PROPOSALS: (4/1/2012 – 4/30/2012) CONGRATULATIONS! The following UTC faculty and staff recently attracted $657,440 in external grant and contract awards: Dr. Carol Brand, Lecturer for the School of Education, secured $225,000 from the Tennessee Department of Education to continue UTC’s Become a Special Educator in Tennessee (BASE-TN) Program for the next three years. BASE-TN…
March 2012 Submissions and Awards
FUNDED PROPOSALS: (3/1/2012 – 3/31/2012) CONGRATULATIONS! The following UTC faculty and staff recently attracted $521,892 in external grant and contract awards: Mr. Joel Baxley, Director of Visual Art Education at UTC’s Southeast Center for Education in the Arts, secured $1,650 from the Hamilton County Department of Education for a graphic design residency with fifth grade…
February 2012 Submissions and Awards
FUNDED PROPOSALS: (2/1/2012 – 2/29/2012) CONGRATULATIONS! The following UTC faculty and staff recently attracted $180,625 in external grant and contract awards: Ms. Lisa Darger, Sustainability Coordinator for the Facilities Planning and Management Department, secured $300 from RecycleMania to promote UTC’s inaugural participation in the 8-week 2012 RecyleMania Tournament. Funds will go toward the printing of…