Funded Proposals (8/1/2014-8/31/2014) CONGRATULATIONS! The following UTC faculty and staff recently attracted $607,999 in external grant and contract awards: Ms. Twyler Boykin, Project Director of Upward Bound Math and Science, attracted $250,000 from the U.S. Department of Education to continue the Promoting Resolve in Science and Math (PRISM) program during the 2014-15 academic year. The goal…
July 2014 Submissions and Awards
Funded Proposals (7/1/2014-7/31/2014) CONGRATULATIONS! The following UTC faculty and staff recently attracted $3,884,036 in external grant and contract awards: Dr. David Aborn, Associate Professor of Biology, Geology and Environmental Sciences, attracted an additional $3,712 from the Tennessee River Gorge Trust to conduct a two-year study to determine the presence, distribution, and abundance of breeding pairs…
June 2014 Submissions and Awards
Funded Proposals (6/1/2014-6/30/2014) CONGRATULATIONS! The following UTC faculty and staff recently attracted $1,359,255 in external grant and contract awards: Dr. David Aborn, Associate Professor of Biology, Geology and Environmental Sciences, attracted $40,000 from the Tennessee River Gorge Trust to conduct a two-year study to determine the presence, distribution, and abundance of breeding pairs of the…
May 2014 Submissions and Awards
Funded Proposals (5/1/2014- 5/31/2014) CONGRATULATIONS! The following UTC faculty and staff recently attracted $453,768 in external grant and contract awards: Ms. Sandy Cole, Director of the Center for Community Career Education (CCCE), secured $9,000 from the Hamilton County Department of Education to continue the Postsecondary Awareness With Success (PAWS) program with 4th and 5th grade…
April 2014 Submissions and Awards
Funded Proposals (4/1/2014 – 4/30/2014) CONGRATULATIONS! The following UTC faculty and staff recently attracted $500,779 in external grant and contract awards: Mr. Joel Baxley, Director of Visual Art Education at UTC’s Southeast Center for Education in the Arts, secured $1,200 from the Hamilton County Department of Education for a bookmaking residency with third grade students…