FUNDED PROPOSALS: (11/1/2012- 11/30/2012) CONGRATULATIONS! The following UTC faculty and staff recently attracted $231,794 in external grant and contract awards: Mr. Joel Baxley, Director of Visual Art Education at UTC’s Southeast Center for Education in the Arts, secured $1,200 from the Hamilton County Department of Education for a Visual Arts Residency at Battle Academy. Mr.…
October 2012 Submissions and Awards
FUNDED PROPOSALS: (10/1/2012- 10/31/2012) CONGRATULATIONS! The following UTC faculty and staff recently attracted $130,868 in external grant and contract awards: Dr. Ron Bailey, Guerry Professor of Mechanical Engineering and Director of the Center for Energy, Transportation and the Environment, secured $100,000 from the Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation for the demonstration of an Energy…
September 2012 Submissions and Awards
FUNDED PROPOSALS: (9/1/12 – 9/30/12) CONGRATULATIONS! The following UTC faculty and staff recently attracted $2,628,437 in external grant and contract awards: Drs. Jennifer Boyd, assistant professor, and Joey Shaw, associate professor, both faculty members of Biology, Geology and Environmental Science, attracted $89,000 from the Tennessee Department of Military to provide a detailed survey of invasive…
August 2012 Submissions and Awards
FUNDED PROPOSALS: (8/1/12 – 8/31/12) CONGRATULATIONS! The following UTC faculty and staff recently attracted $1,226,234 in external grant and contract awards: Dr. Yu Cao, Assistant Professor, Dr. Joseph Kizza, Professor and Department Head, and Mr. Craig Tanis, Lecturer, all faculty members of Computer Science and Engineering, attracted $305,494 from the National Science Foundation for…
July 2012 Submissions and Awards
FUNDED PROPOSALS: (7/1/2012 – 7/31/2012) CONGRATULATIONS! The following UTC faculty and staff recently attracted $1,757,183 in external grant and contract awards: Dr. Loren Hayes, Assistant Professor of Biology, Geology and Environmental Sciences, secured $50,280 from the National Science Foundation via the University of Louisiana at Monroe to continue his current study of Chilean rodents. Dr.…