Before the trip started, I was very excited about the idea of going to Rome over spring break. I love ancient history and mythology, so this trip was something I really wanted to experience. Leading up to the weeks before the trip when we had the meetings to get to meet one another and prepare for what to bring, how to pack, and the do’s and don’t’s, the nervousness started to set it. This was my first trip on a plane and out of the country by myself with 19 other students that I did not really know.
The day of the trip when we had to meet at the airport, I was surprisingly calm. I got to talk with a few other students and eat with them. I thought I would be more anxious and scared but I was the total opposite. The plane ride from CHA to ATL was not bad at all and I didn’t panic or anything. When we boarded the plane from ATL to Rome, I thougth that was the one that would set me off, but it didn’t, only downside was the long hours of just sitting and getting uncomfortable from time to time. I think both trips, to and from Rome was a good starting point for my love of traveling.

On the first few afternoons of being in Rome, I got to make and become close friends with some of the other students and got to know them and what they are into, which was a big step for me since I tend to be a homebody and keep to myself. We all bonded over the fact that in Italy, splitting a check is crazy and weird to them. The way they do their checks is, they will either give the check to the oldest male at the table and they pay for everyone’s meals, or you go to the register and each person tells them that they will pay x y and z on the check, then rinse and repeat for the next person.

I think my favorite part of the day tours was during the second day where we went to the Galleria Borghese and I saw the Apollo and Daphnie sculpture. I love mythology and seeing this sculpture just made me fall in love with it more. I loved looking at all the tiny details that were put into making it, especially the leaves that were so thin but had so much detail in them. Another favorite on the list was visiting the Coliseum and learning even more about it and not just that the Romans used to fight each other and animals in it, they would even flood it with water and reenact river battles which I thought was very cool.
All in all, the experience I had while on this trip, the amazing people I met, and wonderful tour guide we had, made the whole trip worthwhile. I would definitely do this again and recommend it to anyone who wants to experience something as amazing as Rome, Italy!
Victoria Damiani (BA Studio Art) spent Spring Break 2022 in Rome, Italy as part of a faculty-led trip linked with a UTC course. Victoria had the following to say about study abroad, “This was my first study abroad experience and I would do it over 1000 times if I could! I loved every minute of it! If you are debating on studying abroad, definitely do it sooner than later, you don’t want to miss an opportunity like this!”
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