In November 2022, I submitted my application to study abroad for a summer semester through the American Institute of Foreign Study (AIFS). A couple of months later, I was accepted to study abroad in Barcelona, Spain for six weeks. I quickly filled out my paperwork, renewed my passport, selected my classes, and began to prepare for my summer in Spain. The preparation for this trip was strenuous, as I had to make sure everything was to go halfway across the world by myself. I applied for various scholarships and was blessed to receive multiple, including one from the study abroad office. I shopped around and purchased the most ergonomic, affordable flight I could find. I also brushed up on some Spanish before I left and researched some European customs to avoid culture shock.
Before I knew it, it was May 31st and I hopped on the plane to Barcelona, ready to embark on my adventures abroad. This was the longest flight I’d ever been on, as it was a 9-hour plane ride there and an 11-hour plane ride back. I arrived in Barcelona around 9:00 AM, Spain time, meaning I had super bad jet lag. My program, AIFS had a full day planned for us to avoid falling asleep. We had a welcome lunch, a walking tour, and a meet and greet. By the end of the day, I was exhausted. I quickly adapted to both the time change and the Spanish style of living.

I stayed with a host mom, and this was a great experience for me. She cooked me traditional Spanish meals and gave me recommendations of fun places to go in Barcelona. While being in someone else’s space is challenging, I would not change my decision. My Spanish vastly improved by living in her house. My host mom, Rosa only spoke Spanish, so I was forced to practice the language. By the end of my trip, I could have complete conversations with Rosa, without Google Translate.

I took two classes: International Economics and Spanish Culture through the University of Barcelona-Autònoma (UAB). My professors were so sweet and genuinely committed to helping us learn. Most of our grade was made up of participation, a midterm, and a final project. The teachers were very engaged with the students, and I enjoyed taking classes at UAB. My classes were made up of other, international exchange students from places like China, Egypt, the UK, and other places in America. I am grateful to have made international friends from all of these countries.
I went alone, so I made 4 friends, and we formed a group. I got really close with these girls and we did everything together. Since we only had classes Monday-Thursday, we did weekend trips to places like Venice, Paris, and Ibiza. The convenience of traveling to other countries is one of my favorite parts of studying abroad. Planning trips, booking flights, and finding places to stay are all very challenging but insightful. When traveling now, I feel much more detail-oriented, organized, and understand the importance of time management.
Studying abroad in Spain for 6 weeks has taught me so much about myself and the world. I feel better equipped when traveling, meeting new people, and understanding different cultures. I am genuinely so grateful for this experience and the people that I have met.
Nia-Grace Sharp (BS Political Science) spent the Summer 2023 semester studying abroad in Barcelona, Spain through AIFS. Nia-Grace had the following to say about studying abroad, “If you are thinking about studying abroad- DO IT! Take chances, make risks, say yes to everything. Most importantly, be communicative and make friends! I have made some of my lifelong friends from studying abroad.”
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