Amongst all of the new and exciting things I experienced studying abroad in Rome, Italy, I found that I had the most knowledge to gain from the museums. One of my favorite museums we explored was the Galleria Borghese. This art museum contained some of the most beautiful masterpieces from ancient history. It was here that I discovered one of my most favorite historical artisans; Bernini. He was responsible for carving The Rape of Persephone, Apollo and Daphne, and David. All of which I was able to closely examine from every angle. Their human like features are so closely thought out, down to the pressure that Hades grip holds on Persephone’s leg. As for Apollo and Daphne, the massive pieces of dense rock being hand carved into detailed masterpieces.

The astonishing feeling of being in the presence of such historic art leaves you with a feeling that I now know could only be discovered by standing in the midst of it all. Not only this, but the museums transition into different eras, thus showing the different periods in art history. For instance, while in Rome I was able to see the famous Disputation of the Holy Sacrament made during the Renaissance. I then could see examples of Mannerism art. When Italian art aimed for perfection in human features. A good example of something I witnessed with this style would be the Boy with Fruit Basket.
Another jaw dropping moment was when we arrived at the Vatican. The inside of Saint Peters Basilica contained countless colors coming from different metals and paintings. There were statues of saints easily twelve feet tall surrounding the room. There is even an alleged piece of wood remaining from the table used for the Last Supper resting marvelously on display. The art and architecture in Rome, Italy is like nothing I have ever seen in America.

Before studying abroad, I had little interest in traveling, but now I can’t wait to see more of the world and the art that it has to offer. I now want to study multiple languages in order to appease my deep interest in conversing with someone from another country. Studying abroad has completely changed my perspective on the world and America. The rich history that came from Rome led me to believe in the importance of experiencing countries that are different in their daily customs.
We visited an archaeological dig where we got to see entire buildings half submerged with dirt and rock, and the other half exposed. It was astonishing to know that archaeologists were still uncovering pieces of Roman history. There were miles and miles of unearthed and undisturbed artifacts.
To make brief of my experience in Rome, I found resonance with the art in Italy. I found that a lot of the countries values and beliefs were displayed in some way through their art. I absolutely loved Italy and I found it so beautiful. The faculty and tour guide made the whole trip so educational and exciting.
Sam Ramsey (BS Economics) spent Spring Break 2022 in Rome, Italy as part of a faculty-led trip linked with a UTC course. Sam had the following to say about study abroad, “Studying abroad has completely changed the way I view the world and America. I now love the idea of traveling the world and seeing it all with my own eyes.”
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