I had never gone out of the country before so heading to Rome, Italy was an entire new experience for me. From flying on an airplane for 10 hours with seats that didn’t go back too far and loud babies on the flight to finally touching down in a new country. As soon as we stepped off the plane the excitement started bubbling I couldn’t believe that I would be here for 11 days with the best group of people possible.

I signed up for the trip with my friend Sammy and didn’t expect to make more friends along the way. But with each new day I was able to connect with different people on the trip, and I’m proud to be able to call these amazing groups of people my friends. I took many pictures throughout the trip but to be honest I feel like those pictures do not justify the beauty that this place really had. I would recommend going to see the gorgeous historical city for yourself.
Walking around Rome we had an amazing tour guide Giuseppe. I would highly recommend him he was absolutely amazing and I enjoyed everything he had to say about where we were. Even in the coliseum he pointed out ancient graffiti and to be crude it was of a penis. The fact that not only was he knowledgeable about the well known parts of the colles me but he had even more uncommon information that made the trip absolutely amazing.

My favorite museum that we visited was the Villa Borghese. This museum had some of the most stunning prices of art on display. The art was stunning from each wall being covered to then looking to the ceiling to these beautiful frisco’s paints above us. The detail in each piece of artwork was truly breathtaking. One thing that I took away from just going to the museum is body positivity, as random as that may sound, let me explain. I’m a bigger girl and walking through a museum filled with painting of goddesses that weren’t stick thin but instead had curves, fat rolls, and were supermodel rather normal people. I honestly gained so much confidence from walking around that museum, because I was able to really appreciate my body. I really did gain confidence from this trip that I was able to take back home with me. If I had never gone I wouldn’t have the confidence that I have right now in my body.
If you for a second are considering going on this trip just do it; it will absolutely change your life. I loved every single second of it and I even had food poisoning for a few days while in Rome. But even being stuck in a hotel room for 2 days I was still able to enjoy the food because uber eats does in fact work in Rome. Truly it was an amazing experience. I recommended that everyone should travel abroad because you can learn more about the world around you and even learn more about yourself.
Shawna Campbell (BS Secondary Education: English) spent Spring Break 2022 in Rome, Italy as part of a faculty-led trip linked with a UTC course.
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