It has been interesting to experience my development as a result of studying abroad in Cádiz, Spain. I found out a lot about myself, and subsequently changed a lot of myself. Much of this experience will be held near and dear to myself for the rest of my life, and I wish to convey that as best as I can. Anyways, on to the actual content.
The experience of being in Europe is unlike anything else I have experienced in my life. Perhaps the most invaluable aspect of this adventure was that I had the opportunity to leave my comfort zone at a much deeper level. I realized two major things that have undoubtedly changed my life: it is a small world and most things in life that hold us back are in our heads.

First, the small world bit. This realization came to me on a Sunday (I think) night in El Puerto de Santa María. Myself and a friend had been out clubbing, and we decided to go to a bar for a little while before calling it a night. My friend knows more Spanish than I do, so he talked to the bartender in Spanish. The bartender abruptly cut him off, saying,
“I know English, man. If you wanna practice with me, that’s cool, but we can talk in English.”
He was born in Miami, and served in the military at both Clarksville and Rota, and he decided to stay in Spain. The Clarksville bit is important. He had been to Chattanooga, loads of times. When I asked him if he knew Vine Street, where I live, he said, “Of course man!”
A tiny town, halfway across the world. A chance encounter with a bartender there, who has basically been to my house. This is still insane to process.

Next, the latter bit. This realization came to me in Seville. I scouted a cheaper tapas place for lunch. I took one of the last tables available, but it could fit four people. Three people asked me if they could sit with me. Long story short, I said yes, and I now know three people I can visit in Barcelona. Later that day, that happened for people from Sweden and Ireland, and it is all because I took a day trip to Seville on a day that I almost hit snooze on the alarm clock. I learned that it is always a good thing to meet new people, and I am at the age where it still makes sense to say “yes” to most opportunities.
This program was perhaps the most important thing for me to be a part of in my life so far. I do not regret being in it at all. I saw and did a lot that I would not have done had I stayed in my hometown. I am truly not the same person that I was before. I greatly appreciate the opportunity to be able to do this. Thank you!
Jackson Ricketts (BS Physics) participated in the Summer 2022 international summer learning opportunity for students offered through the Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavors. The International Summer Undergraduate Research Program represents a collaboration between The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and the University of Cadiz in Spain. The purpose of the initiative is to support students to participate in an eight (8) week intensive research experience during the summer in a global environment. Jackson had the following to say about studying abroad, “Studying abroad gives you the opportunity to see other cultures, meet amazing people, and learn an incredible amount about yourself, all for the most inexpensive you could possibly do in your entire life.“
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