Studying abroad is an amazing experience for many students around the world. I think it is such an important program and provides life-changing adventures that students will never forget. With study abroad, you can experience new places and cultures, make friends from around the world, and gain a global perspective. It also allows students to develop highly-valued skills such as intercultural communication, foreign languages, adaptability, and problem-solving as they are thrust into a new world completely separate from the one they are used to. I’m Immensely grateful that this summer I had the opportunity to study abroad for a month with the CIEE Summer in London program! It was truly eye-opening and is an experience I will never forget.

I was researching different study abroad programs for about a year before I settled on the one I eventually signed up for which was with CIEE. There were so many amazing choices to choose from but in the end I’m very happy with the choice that I made. CIEE was affordable and was for a 28 day time period which was perfect for me! Not only that but it was a program in London. I had my heart set for London since the very beginning of my study abroad research. I’d been wanting to go to London since I was in middle school and would joke with my friends about moving there when I was older. So when I actually had the chance I jumped at it and didn’t let go. I’m so happy with my decision and I wouldn’t change a thing! What was even better for me was that the program I chose offered a British Theatre history course. This was perfect for me since I’m a theater education major. While I was in London I was able to fully immerse myself on theatrical history of the city it’s something that I hope to share with my students in the near future.

London is one of the most beautiful cities that I’ve ever had the pleasure of visiting. It’s a city full of culture, history, theater, music and fun. London is full of new experiences around every corner. There’s so much to do and see that you’ll never get bored. The possibilities are truly endless. I was there for a month and I still didn’t see everything I wanted to. There’s truly something for everyone in this city and it has some of the best public transportation systems to get you wherever your heart desires. In my opinion London is one of the best destinations for any study abroad student.
If I were to give someone planning to study abroad any advice it would be this. Don’t forget the “study” part of your adventure abroad. Many people I met on my program were surprised that they actually had to take classes which I found very interesting. Yes, you should explore your new surroundings and have fun. However, remember It’s important you don’t neglect your studies!
Logan Lynn (BA Theatre) spent Summer 2022 studying abroad in London, England through CIEE. Logan had the following to say about studying abroad, “Adventure out of your comfort zone and find yourself.”
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