SimCenter Enterprises, a collaborative organization involving The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, the SimCenter: National Center for Computational Engineering, and private enterprise, recently named Tim Walsh as presiding president and CEO.
“Modeling and simulation using high performance computing is a $63 billion industry and growing at a rate of 25% each year,” Walsh said. “We have a world-class facility right here in our backyard that is strategically positioned to not just make Chattanooga more competitive, but also our country.”
Dr. John Schaerer served as inaugural President and CEO from May 2010 until January 2011. He is responsible for developing the blueprint for this newly chartered 501(c)(3) organization and for bringing it to full operational mode. The SimCenter Enterprises Board is composed of representatives of The University of Tennessee Chattanooga and local businesses.
“We’re excited to form this partnership with the SimCenter,” Chancellor Roger Brown said. “With our mission as a metropolitan university, this partnership will assist us in further engaging with the community for economic development and bringing high tech resources to Chattanooga.”
The mission of SimCenter Enterprises is to serve as a supporting organization for both UTC and the SimCenter by identifying, developing, and promoting practical and commercial applications for technologies developed within the SimCenter’s work. By successfully licensing this intellectual property, results can include:
• Recruitment and retention of world-class faculty and researchers to the SimCenter
• Improved competitiveness of existing businesses and industries
• Strengthening of Chattanooga’s economy by attracting businesses to establish a presence or spinning out new ventures locally
In his new role, Walsh works very closely with the University of Tennessee Research Foundation. He will be responsible for mining SimCenter’s experience and intellectual property applicable to product development and commercialization. He will help businesses understand the benefits of using simulation and modeling to solve complex problems for competitive advantage, help them gain access to SimCenter’s world-class capabilities and expertise, facilitate the licensing of intellectual property, develop networks for funding startup companies, develop collaborative partners, and build relationships with local, state and national organizations.
Walsh brings over forty years of successful experience in business development, innovative ideas in applying technology to business problems and capital formation. He has served as a senior executive of two leading Fortune 500 companies, Digital Equipment Corporation and PictureTel, Corp. Most recently, he was chairman, president and CEO of epipeline, inc., a leading online source for federal contracting opportunity research and business intelligence.
About SimCenter Enterprises, Inc.
Established in May 2010, SimCenter Enterprises, Inc. is a non-profit entity incorporated for the commercialization of products and services emerging from UTC’s SimCenter: National Center for Computation Engineers. The mission is to facilitate the center’s growth, enhance corporate relationships, and enhance competitiveness and impact economic development growth of the Tennessee Valley.