Lisa Berry, a senior biology major and Noyce Scholar in the UTeaChattanooga program at UTC, has been chosen to attend a computer science workshop in Dublin, Ireland.

The workshop, hosted by Shodor and the National Computational Science Institute, will take place at Dublin City University. Berry will collaborate with Irish teachers and educators to gain a deeper understanding of computational thinking and inquiry-based teaching methods in science education. She will also learn how to use hands-on activities to explore the impact of blended learning environments on teaching and learning.
“Lisa is a non-traditional student who has had a twenty-year career as an ophthalmic technician, and has often conducted training of other professionals in her career. She wants to continue her education in this area. She’s a is a very conscientious student eager to learn, and wants to pass her considerable excitement and knowledge on to her students,” Dr. Stephen Kuhn, UTC Professor of Mathematics and Co-Director of UTeaChattanooga.
Berry’s trip to Ireland is funded by the National Science Foundation.
“Being offered the opportunity to participate in this workshop is an honor for Lisa and the whole UTeaChattanooga program. Only students who have been awarded Noyce Scholarships from the National Science Foundation are eligible, and only a small number of them are chosen to participate in this workshop. She will collaborate with an international group of educators and return to UTC with new insights, new teaching tools, and new approaches she can share with other UTeaChattanooga students and faculty and with the high school students she will teach,” Kuhn continued.
UTeaChattanooga is an innovative program that encourages students to: develop a deep understanding of mathematics and science through a major in these areas; explore mathematics and science teaching through hands-on teaching experience with master secondary teachers; graduate from UTC in four years with licensure to teach high school, attend graduate school, or pursue a career in mathematics or science. To learn more about the program,