Panelists who spoke at the Southeast Center for Education in the Arts fifth national Arts and Education Forum emphasized the importance of documenting the progress of arts integration programs.

Fifty educators and evaluators came to UTC to explore pathways to quality arts integration, the way arts integration programs have followed these paths, and the impact on programs when these paths are taken.
UTC alumnus Dr. Eric-Michael MacCionnaith represented the Renegade Education Project, Penn State University, Hazleton, Pennsylvania. He said assessment tools were important to explain to legislators the progress of arts integration. Kathryn Dawson, Drama for Schools at the University of Texas at Austin, encouraged participants to reach out to other departments within their institutions.

“Our program built a bridge with the educational psychology program at the University of Texas,” Dawson explained. “We use a research-based approach for evaluation and assessment of our program.”
Discussion also included the importance of deep and broad professional development for teachers and rigorous instruction for students to promote a deeper understanding of concepts and art forms.