More than 590,000 Twitter users were buzzing about EXPO Chattanooga, and UTC was in the mix at the Chattanooga Convention Center.

Sumer Patterson, Program Coordinator, the UTC Achieve Degree, discusses the online completion degree for working adults at the 2014 Business Expo.
Hosted by the Chattanooga Chamber, EXPO Chattanooga is the largest showcase of local products and services and draws hundreds of business decision-makers and community leaders.
Representatives from UTC University Relations, The Graduate School, UTC Achieve Degree, and Online and Distance Learning answered questions at the UTC booth, where thousands of people inquired throughout the day.
At the EXPO Chattanooga luncheon, Hamilton County Mayor Jim Coppinger explained that 93 per cent of the companies in Hamilton County have less than 50 employees each. Those businesses make an annual payroll of $2.5 billion.