By Zach Taylor, University Relations Student Writer
Since the spring semester ended in April, UTC students have spread out across the globe for summer vacation. Coast to coast, from Maine to San Francisco, and overseas to South Africa, Croatia, and Germany among others, Mocs in gold and blue can be seen all over the world during the break.
In addition to posting pictures and stories online, as well as bringing these experiences back to campus in the fall, travelling students, faculty, and alumni have come up with a unique way to display their UTC spirit throughout the summer: showing their Power ‘C’s.
Laura Bond, University Relations Staff Writer and Social Media Coordinator, has encouraged travelling Mocs to contribute with Power ‘C’ photos from their own adventures during the summer.

Photo by Lexi White. Taken at the 2014 Miss Tennessee Scholarship Pageant in Jackson, Tennessee. From left to right: Lexi White, Miss Historic Jonesborough; Dacey Winkleman, Miss Capital City; Ashley Broockman, Miss Watauga Valley.
“Our students have so many amazing experiences during the summer and it’s great that they want to share them with our campus community. By sharing these experiences and spreading the Power ‘C,’ it builds a stronger community even when they’re not on campus,” said Bon.
From the tops of mountains to beaches and historic sites on multiple continents, the simple hand gesture seen across Chattanooga is being seen globally.
“This illustrates the power of social media perfectly,” said Bond. “Social media connects students and the campus community, and allows them to continue to have conversations even when they’re not near each other.”
View our album on Facebook here to see more pictures! Visit our social media outlets to post your own Power ‘C’!