Jackson Stone, a University of Tennessee Chattanooga student majoring in Computer Science and Engineering, recently participated in the Department of Energy Science Undergraduate Laboratory Internship (SULI) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory where he used video game development software to create interactive data visualizations.
“The research provides scientists with a stimulating, intuitive and informative environment to perform their analysis,” Stone explained. “Optimistically, the tool will spur off other games being made by others that are as interesting and enticing as they are informative and useful to scientific inquiry.”
The SULI program is designed to encourage high-performing undergraduate students to pursue science, technology, energy and math careers by providing an engaging, hands-on research experience. For 10 weeks in summer or 16 weeks in spring or fall, the student collaborates full-time with a mentor on a challenging project with real-world application.
“Almost every day presented a new puzzle. Some problems were a joy to solve, and others made me want to pull out my hair; but it was all worth it in the end when I finally got the task at hand to work,” said Stone. “The project was a tremendous learning experience from day to day. Because of how unconventional it was, I ventured into largely unexplored programming territory and had to discover my own way of solving certain problems.”
Read the full story here.