UTC Student Megan Downs with her poster, “Cost-Effective Synthesis of Iron Oxide Nanoparticles Towards Sustainable Nanotechnology,” at Research Dialogues 2016
Get ready to show off your hard work, because the deadline to apply for the 2nd annual ReSEARCH Dialogues conference is coming up! The two-day event showcasing and celebrating the Scholarship, Engagement, Arts, Research, Creativity, & Humanities on campus will take place April 11th and 12th, 2017.
The deadline for applications to present is February 28, 2017. All faculty, staff, and students interested in participating in the ReSEARCH Dialogues conference can apply using the ReSEARCH Dialogues Application.
Recognizing the diversity of scholarship, research, engagement and creative expression on campus, ReSEARCH Dialogues includes multiple options for individuals, classes, and small groups to participate.
The conference is sponsored by The Vice Chancellor for Research, in collaboration with the Office of Research & Sponsored Programs, and the Office of Undergraduate Research and Creative Expression.
The Schedule of Events and Event Details provides additional information about the roster of activities. All information can be accessed online here. If you have any questions about the event or difficulty with the application form, contact orsp@utc.edu.
You can see a recap of ReSEARCH Dialogues 2016 here.
I have a junior when do we fill out applications