Dr. Felicia McGhee, left, and Dr. Angela Davis at the UTC MLK Day 2023 event on Tuesday, Jan. 24, at the Roland Hayes Concert Hall. Photo by Angela Foster.
Prominent educator, author and lecturer Angela Davis highlighted University of Tennessee at Chattanooga MLK Day 2023 festivities on Tuesday, Jan. 24, speaking to a standing-room only crowd in the UTC Fine Arts Center’s Roland Hayes Concert Hall.
Davis, who has authored 10 books and numerous articles and essays, is the Distinguished Professor Emerita of History of Consciousness—an interdisciplinary doctoral program—and of Feminist Studies at the University of California, Santa Cruz. During the last 25 years, she has lectured in all 50 states in the U.S., Africa, Europe, the Caribbean and the former Soviet Union.
“It’s not about the destination; it’s about the journey,” Davis said, “and the journey is infinite.”
The discussion, titled “A Call for Civility,” was moderated by Dr. Felicia McGhee, associate professor and head of the UTC Department of Communication.
This was the 10th year for UTC’s MLK Day keynote speaker series and the first held in person since 2020 due to COVID-19 concerns.
UTC MLK Day 2023 was presented by the Office of Multicultural Affairs in collaboration with Africana Studies, Center for Career and Leadership Development, Department of Communication, Department of History, Division of Diversity and Engagement, Enrollment Management and Student Affairs Student Programs, Honors College, Mocs Dining, Ochs Professor of Government, Office of Dean of Students, Office of Equity and Inclusion, Student and Family Engagement, Women and Gender Equity, and Chattanooga’s Bessie Smith Cultural Center.