Dr. Helen Eigenberg presents “Who Is Creating the Knowledge in Your Textbook?” in the last Spring Women’s Studies lecture of the semester on Monday, March 30. Refreshments will be served at 5 p.m. and the lecture begins at 5:30 p.m. in the Raccoon Mountain Room of the UTC University Center.
This event is free and open to the public.
This presentation focuses on the social construction of knowledge and knowledge production in criminal justice and criminology.
As in most fields, women’s authorship has historically been underrepresented in publications. The current study updates previous research in the field to look at progress over the past 20 years. It found that women’s representation increased from earlier rates, but remained below that of their male contemporaries.
This growth corresponded with general trends of increasing coauthorship, suggesting the recent gains in women’s representation do not indicate decreases in gender disparities. Men also were more likely to have sole-authored articles and be lead authors in papers coauthored by men and women.
Additionally, the vast majority of articles included at least one male author, while far fewer included a female giving men a larger visual presence. Gender representation also varied considerably when comparing mainstream/traditional journals to two gender-specialized journals.
The implications for this study also inform publication patterns in other fields.