Assistant U.S. Attorney Stephen Parker, Civil Rights Division, New Orleans, Louisiana, will present The Tarnished Badge on Thursday, October 17, 5:30 p.m. at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Fine Arts Center in the Roland Hayes Auditorium, located at the corner of Vine and Palmetto Streets. This event is free and open to the public.
Nobel Laureate addresses “The Logic of Entitlement Reform”
In his lecture “The Logic of Entitlement Reform,” Nobel Laureate Dr. Robert E. Lucas, Jr. said he is not in favor of abolishing the welfare system, but he suggested our country would be better served if welfare was not available to everyone, only the neediest 20 percent in the U.S.
Student studies alternative energy at prestigious research program
Brock scholar Tim Haley’s summer internship gave him valuable experience as both a science researcher and a full-time employee. Haley, a sophomore physics major from Springfield, Tennessee, was selected to participate in a prestigious summer research program with Tennessee Solar Conversion using Outreach, Research, and Education (TN-SCORE) at Vanderbilt University in Nashville, Tennessee.
ABET-ETAC accreditation awarded to the undergrad technology program
It’s official—when the Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET-ETAC) accredited the BS Engineering Technology Management (ETM) program earlier this month, this achievement was especially good news—now all the undergraduate programs in the College of Engineering and Computer Science are accredited by ABET-ETAC.
UTC students dunk the dean of the College of Business
At “Down with the Dean,” students got the rare chance to watch a Dean get wet in a dunk tank. Students gathered around for free food and free t-shirts, then lined up for a chance to take their shots at Dr. Robert Dooley, the Dean of the College of Business.
UTC health profession students raise falls awareness in the community
According to the Tennessee Department of Health, one of three adults age 65 or older falls each year. For older adults, a fall can cause severe injuries, such as fractures or concussions. Falling and the fear of falling can hamper individuals’ ability to lead healthy, independent lives. UTC students from various fields did their part to help prevent falls at Fall Prevention Awareness Day.
2013 Behavioral Finance Symposium: October 10 in Chattanooga, TN
Risk taking transforms our body chemistry—it drives us to extremes of euphoria and unusual behavior or it can cause stress and depression. Imagine how it affects investors.
Nobel Laureate Robert E. Lucas, Jr. speaks October 7
Nobel laureate Dr. Robert E. Lucas, Jr. will discuss “The Logic of Entitlement Reform” in the Burkett Miller Distinguished Lecture Series on Monday, October 7, at noon in the UTC University Center Auditorium. This event is free and open to the public; however, seating is limited and on a first-come, first-served basis.
Scholarship honors the memory of Dr. Bob Swansbrough
The new head of the UTC Department of Political Science, Public Administration and Nonprofit Management never had the opportunity to meet the late Dr. Bob Swansbrough, but she perfectly described the longtime UTC professor of political science and administrator at a recent gathering of friends and colleagues.
UTC students reflected in sculpture
UTC students may find themselves reflected in one of campus’s new works of art. “Three Shades of Green” is an eighteen foot tall sculpture placed across from Race Hooper Hall. It was decided to position the piece so that it overlooks green space and the new library. Jim Collins, former art professor at UTC, has created this sculpture with three powder-coated aluminum figures sitting 15 feet high, perched atop recycled fiberglass turbine blades.