Dr. Preston Foerder, visiting assistant professor in The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga Department of Psychology, will present his research on “Insightful Problem Solving in Asian Elephants” on Tuesday, November 13, from 2-3 p.m. in the Signal Mountain Room of the UTC University Center.
Music Department offers many performances in November
Enjoy a variety of performances by The UTC Department of Music during the month of November.
“Star Wars” offers perspective into ancient history
Every Wednesday afternoon in a classroom far, far at the top of Brock Hall…
Prospective students to attend Fall Visit Day
Students interested in attending UTC and their families will have the opportunity to explore the campus and have some questions answered at the Annual Fall Visit Day. Note: Registration for Fall Visit Day is now closed.
Professor inducted into East Tennessee Writers Hall of Fame
In a career that’s included honors ranging from the Order of Freedom Medal by the President of Slovenia and multiple inclusions in The Best American Poems, Dr. Richard Jackson, UT National Alumni Association Distinguished Service Professor of English, has another one to add to his list. He was among five area writers recently inducted into…
C2C Fellows Sustainability Workshop seeks student leaders
By Megan Davis, UTC University Relations Intern Current university students and recent graduates who aspire to become sustainability leaders in politics and business are encouraged to attend the C2C Fellows Sustainability Leadership Workshop for the Southeast, a regional weekend training workshop to be held at UTC on October 26-28.
Update: Former BB&T CEO addresses financial crisis
We are in an economic recovery, but not a healthy recovery, according to John A. Allison, the former Chairman of BB&T Corporation, who spoke on campus for the 2012 Burkett Miller Distinguished Lecture Series. The Scott L. Probasco, Jr. Chair of Free Enterprise hosted the event.
Chemistry Club shares learning experience at Brown Academy
The UTC Chemistry Club showed students from Brown Academy just how fun science can be thanks to a recent grant from the American Chemical Society-Community Interaction Grant (ACS-CIG).
Researchers address adolescent intimate partner abuse
Fifty-two percent of all crimes against persons in Tennessee were classified as domestic violence last year.
Pre-service teachers learn at NASA workshop
A group of pre-service teachers recently gathered to attend the NASA Education, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Workshop, where they engaged in a hands-on activity designed to monitor the progress of an eclipse. It was one way the students learned to effectively teach elementary and middle school students.