It’s almost time to say goodbye to the fall 2014 semester. The last day of classes is Monday, December 1 and final exams begin on Wednesday, December 3 and finish on Monday, December 8. No classes are scheduled for Reading Day on Tuesday, December 2. For the full final exam schedule, click here. Struggling with…
UTC Percussion Ensemble Beat Hunger is November 24
Event supports Chattanooga Community Kitchen. Attendees may contribute two non-perishable food items or write a check for $2.
UTC attributes lower Student Loan Defaults to several initiatives
Partnership to Engage Students and Alumni for Better Student Loan Repayment Brings Results The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga has lowered its three-year student loan cohort default rate. The U.S. Department of Education uses the cohort default rate (CDR) to track default rates. This measurement is the percentage of cohorts (students entering repayment within the…
Football Mocs win SoCon Championship and lead conference in fan attendance
Mocs also lead the SoCon in home attendance, averaging 10,492 in five home games this season. Mocs Football have hit that mark three three times since Head Coach Russ Huesman took the helm.
SCEA hosts Literacy and the Arts in Common Core
Southeast Center for Education in the Arts piloted a professional development experience for K-12 arts specialists and literacy teachers. Goal: build interdisciplinary units of study which teachers then implemented with their own students.
UTC Theatre Company presents The Good Person of Setzuan
Can you be a good person in a bad world? Playwright Bertolt Brecht’s explores this question: protagonist Shen Te struggles to live harmoniously with her troublesome neighbors.
UT President Joe DiPietro takes the plunge at the ARC
DiPietro came to celebrate the progress of UT-Chattanooga’s fall sports teams with a pep rally themed luncheon for faculty and staff. Wearing a blue and gold bow tie, DiPietro expressed his love of the UTC campus.
UTC begins new Occupational Therapy program
Occupational therapy trains students to help patients perform day-to-day tasks, whether they’re recovering from injuries or have developmental or cognitive disabilities affecting their motor skills, emotions or behavior.
Cultures from around the world showcased at campus event
Students from 27 different countries were represented at a successful International Festival held recently on campus. Approximately 600 UTC students attended and participated. “This event gave students a platform to showcase their cultures,” said Rosite George, Assistant Dean of Students, Office of Multicultural Affairs. “Students who leave home and leave their countries behind had the…
Cress features Greg Smith’s “Breakdown Lane Orrery”
Cress Gallery of Art at The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga presents Greg Smith’s “Breakdown Lane Orrery” through December 9. Smith is the fall semester 2014 Diane Marek Series Visiting Artist. This exhibition and all Diane Marek Series events are open to the public. Admission is free. An orrery is a mechanical model of a…