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Chancellor’s search committee named
A committee has been named to conduct the search for the next chancellor at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, UT System President Joe DiPietro announced.
Chattanooga area firefighters train at McKenzie Arena
Normally it’s Mocs basketball players who reach for great heights in McKenzie Arena, but this time it’s members of the Chattanooga Fire Department’s Urban Search and Rescue team as they practiced their high-angle rescue skills.
Chancellor Brown announces retirement
Dr. Roger G. Brown, Chancellor of The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga since 2005, has announced his retirement. He serves as the fifteenth head of UTC.
University community participates in Research Day
UTC faculty, staff, and students presented a variety of projects at the University’s annual Research Day including exploring how to create a successful brand for a start-up company, discovering ways to help children learn fine motor skills, and researching the habits of Facebook users.
Fun with FYRE: enjoy cake, learn book title
Do you want to know a secret? Join the campus community for some spring fun and games as we reveal the title of the book selected by the UTC First Year Reading Experience (FYRE) committee on Monday, April 2, noon, University Center Gallery (off Lansing Court). There will be cake!
Campus construction update
It’s taking shape—the new UTC Library is rising skyward, forming “information commons” on the third floor, the circulation desk and new books on the main floor, and the stacks and collections below. During the construction process, the University continues to strive for gold Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design or LEED certification, an internationally-recognized green…