Around 250 UTC and Chattanooga State students, alumni, physical therapists, and physical therapist assistants from Tennessee and North Georgia attended the 11th Annual Physical Therapy Forum on January 20.
Religion lectures planned for campus
The Martin Distinguished Professorship in Religious Studies Lecture Series is presenting a series of talks titled “Holy Lands in Classical Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.” Each of the speakers will examine one of the three western religious traditions concerning the development of the notion of a holy land or lands. All the lectures in the series begin…
Amy Roloff of ‘Little People, Big World’ to speak on campus
Amy Roloff, star of TLC’s “Little People, Big World” will be speaking on Thursday, January 27 at 6 p.m. in the Roland Hayes Theatre in the Fine Arts Center.
Classes begin Tuesday, January 18
Revised spring academic calendar The revised spring calendar is posted below. Please make a note of these important dates.
See video of December graduates
Dr. Steven J.K. Symes, UC Foundation Associate Professor, chemistry, addressed 552 December graduates during UTC commencement exercises held at McKenzie Arena on Saturday, December 18.
UTC Music Department presents guest recital with Daniel Weeks, Tenor
The UTC Music Department is proud to present Daniel Weeks, Tenor, in a guest recital with Dr. Naomi Oliphant, Piano. The performance will be on Tuesday, January 18th, at 7:30 p.m. in the UTC Cadek Recital Hall, 725 Oak Street, Chattanooga. The concert is presented free of charge and is open to the public.
WUTC holiday programming for December 25
Join WUTC for fantastic holiday specials from National Public Radio.
Watch UTC Commencement live
UTC Commencement can be seen live on Saturday, December 18, at 10 a.m. at this site. Begin watching at 10 a.m. or pick up the broadcast during the ceremony by clicking here.
Symes to address December graduates
Dr. Steven J.K. Symes will address December graduates at McKenzie Arena on Saturday, December 18 at 10 a.m.