Asami Nakano likes to learn new things about America and when she returns to her native Japan, she enjoys sharing her knowledge. It delights her when Americans are curious about the culture of her home country.
A new addition for the Tree of Life?
It’s where the buffalo still roam in Yellowstone National Park and the snow falls in September—the state of Wyoming is a draw for skiers and hard to imagine as hot…really hot. Scientists say nearly 36-million years ago, there is evidence breadfruit trees grew there. They only grow in the tropics today.
Faculty promotions and tenure
New Deans, Department Heads, Promotions and Tenured Faculty.
Convocation 2013 explores ‘This I Believe’
UTC’s Convocation 2013 will be held on September 12, at 12:15 p.m. in the Roland Hayes Concert Hall. The public is invited to attend this free event. A reception will follow in the Fine Arts Center lobby. To watch Convocation live, go here.
Cress Gallery opens with Department of Art Faculty Exhibition
The UTC Cress Gallery of Art is beginning this academic year with a chance for everyone to see what the Art Department faculty can do. One piece in particular will, for the first time, spill out of the gallery and into the Fine Arts lobby. “We had to get special permission, but everyone is really excited,” says Ruth Grover, Director and Curator of the Cress Gallery of Art.
Regional teachers learn new English Learner strategies
Southeast Tennessee students are busy adjusting to new school schedules and perhaps acknowledging a little anxiety about taking a new math or science class.
Grow Your Own
Dr. Bryan Samuel calls Grow Your Own a “national best practice.”
Professor and student label six types of non-believers
Intellectual atheist/agnostic, anti-theist, or seeker-agnostic? UTC researchers have discovered that non-believers are more diverse than previously thought. In a new study, Dr. Chris Silver and student Thomas Coleman have classified those who identify as atheists or agnostics into six distinct categories.
Nursing educator shares expertise in China
A new East-West relationship aims to improve nursing student outcomes in China. Specifically, educators there are interested in simulation learning techniques used by UTC professors.
New director named at Challenger STEM Learning Center
Perry Storey has been named the new director of the Challenger STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) Learning Center at UTC.