Chattanooga Football earned the No. 8 seed and a coveted first-round bye in the 2014 NCAA Division I Football Championship. Read more…
Robert A. Fisher named Rhodes Scholar
Political Science major becomes the third student from the Chattanooga campus to be named a Rhodes Scholar.
Walk a Mile in Her Shoes Relay promotes women’s issues awareness
Before you can talk the talk, you have to walk the walk. That’s the idea behind Walk a Mile in Her Shoes: The International Men’s March to Stop Rape, Sexual Assault & Gender Violence. In order to understand women’s experience, Walk a Mile in Her Shoes events literally ask male participants to walk one mile…
Wrapping up fall 2014 semester
It’s almost time to say goodbye to the fall 2014 semester. The last day of classes is Monday, December 1 and final exams begin on Wednesday, December 3 and finish on Monday, December 8. No classes are scheduled for Reading Day on Tuesday, December 2. For the full final exam schedule, click here. Struggling with…
Engineering students collaborate with local industry to learn solids handling
Fall break is the time many students go home for a short visit. A motivated group of chemical engineering students instead used their fall break to add a short course to their higher education experience. The students, who are part of the American Institute of Chemical Engineers (AIChE) Student Chapter at UTC, received formal training…
UTC Percussion Ensemble Beat Hunger is November 24
Event supports Chattanooga Community Kitchen. Attendees may contribute two non-perishable food items or write a check for $2.
Music Department hosted eighth annual Band Day
275 high school students from 18 high schools joined the Marching Mocs to perform at halftime and in the stands when Chattanooga Football played Mercer at Finley Stadium.
UTC attributes lower Student Loan Defaults to several initiatives
Partnership to Engage Students and Alumni for Better Student Loan Repayment Brings Results The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga has lowered its three-year student loan cohort default rate. The U.S. Department of Education uses the cohort default rate (CDR) to track default rates. This measurement is the percentage of cohorts (students entering repayment within the…
Business Student Success Center Honors Joseph F. Decosimo
Center will provide the resources students need to plan their academic paths and tie those academic experiences to the business world.
UTC Theatre Company presents The Good Person of Setzuan
Can you be a good person in a bad world? Playwright Bertolt Brecht’s explores this question: protagonist Shen Te struggles to live harmoniously with her troublesome neighbors.