UTC faculty, staff, and students presented a variety of projects at the University’s annual Research Day including exploring how to create a successful brand for a start-up company, discovering ways to help children learn fine motor skills, and researching the habits of Facebook users.
Students hope dreams come true with MTV’s MADE
Hoping to follow in the footsteps of former UTC student Johnny Webster, who with the help of MTV show MADE fulfilled his dream of becoming a UTC Sugar Moc several years ago, students lined up to audition for producers of the show during an on-campus casting call.
Update: FYRE committee selects Outcasts United
The secret is out! From more than 50 entries, Outcasts United by Warren St. John was the book chosen for the 2012 First Year Reading Experience (FYRE). It’s a book the entire UTC campus can read and experience the true story of a soccer team of refugee teenage boys coached by a Jordanian-born woman in…
Cress Gallery to display student work
The Cress Gallery of Art is proud to announce the upcoming UTC Department of Art Senior Bachelor’s in Fine Arts Thesis Exhibitions. A spring tradition in the Cress, this year’s exhibition will feature the culminating visual research of 32 students in their final year of one of the Department’s Bachelor of Fine Art professional degree programs:…
Students travel to the Bahamas for International Spring Break Project
By Iris Mahan, University Relations Intern Like other lucky spring breakers, Derrick McGhee, UTC senior accounting major and University Relations student worker, enjoyed a week of beach vacation in Nassau, the capital city of the Bahamas. This trip, however, wasn’t all palm trees and sunshine; McGhee was there to work, joining other students for UTC’s…
Fun with FYRE: enjoy cake, learn book title
Do you want to know a secret? Join the campus community for some spring fun and games as we reveal the title of the book selected by the UTC First Year Reading Experience (FYRE) committee on Monday, April 2, noon, University Center Gallery (off Lansing Court). There will be cake!
Update: University community supports Bloodanooga, Get in the Game
With more than 617 units of blood collected at this year’s Bloodanooga blood drive, the UTC community would be able to fulfill the needs of the entire Chattanooga community for a day and a half.
English majors attend literary conference
By Iris Mahan, University Relations Intern English writing seniors traveled to Chicago on March 1st to join 10,000 other writers at the Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) Conference. Students were accompanied by English faculty including Sybil Baker, who was on hand to promote her forthcoming novel, Into This World, and Dr. Rick Jackson,…
Nursing students volunteer at hospitals in Ecuador
Several nursing anesthetist students got the experience of a lifetime when they spent several days volunteering in hospitals in Ecuador. Led by Dr. Nanette Wells-Brooks, UTC Assistant Professor of Nursing and Assistant Coordinator of the Nurse Anesthesia Program, the group spent more than a week volunteering in three hospitals in Quito and Ambato, Ecuador.
Chemistry student earns grant to present at national conference
By Iris Mahan, University Relations Intern Chemistry major and Grote Scholar Ashley Cardenal has received a travel grant to a national conference so that she can present her research, which could lead to a more effective way to treat cancer.