John Barrett enjoyed participating in a recent screening for those with Multiple sclerosis (MS) at an annual service learning event conducted by UTC physical therapy students. Individuals with MS are screened by 29 students who work in small groups. Approximately five participants return annually for the screening. Barrett, who was recently diagnosed, came for the…
Mocs Bass Anglers reel in a win
All it took was a couple of largemouth bass and the Mocs Bass Anglers secured a top finish in the 2011 Boat U.S Collegiate Bass Fishing Open. The Bass Anglers, who separated into two teams for the event, both placed well in the competition that took place at Kentucky Lake in Paris, Tennessee.
University community remembers the magic of Harry Potter
Muggles around the world will flood theatres today to see the final Harry Potter film, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part Two. As the Potter saga comes to close, UTC students, faculty, and staff take a look back on the life of the Boy Who Lived and the story that has bewitched their lives.
Theatre students enjoy unusual internships
Unusual internships kept a small group of UTC students busy this summer gluing rhinestones, styling beehive wigs, and sewing ruffled dresses.
Surprise! Alumnus meets current student in South Korea
Alumnus B.B. Bell made a new friend in South Korea.
Students gain real world experience with internships
This summer, several UTC students are trading classes for internships, choosing to learn outside the traditional campus environment at area businesses like the Chattanooga Zoo and 105.1 FM, ESPN radio in Chattanooga.
Interior design students work to preserve downtown landmark
A partnership between UTC’s interior design department and Cornerstones, Inc., created a unique opportunity for students to plan for the future at the site of an historic Chattanooga hotel.
Student elected governor of Intern Legislative Assembly
All it took was one campaign video of an animated, dancing George Washington for UTC student Tim Henshaw to win over his peers and become governor of the Intern Legislative Assembly. Henshaw worked in Tennessee State Senator Bo Watson’s office as part of the Tennessee Legislative Internship Program.
Student plans bike rides on first anniversary of accident
For most people, Friday June 10th will pass like any other day, but for UTC student Tyson Ward, he’ll be doing something he hasn’t been able to do in a year: ride a bike. After recovering from an accident that left him in a three-month coma, Ward will be enjoying two bike rides, and he…