Newly elected Student Government Association (SGA) officers for 2008-2009 are: President Scott Stuart, a junior from Maryville, Tennessee; Vice President Tyler Forrest, a sophomore from Athens, Tennessee; Treasurer Daniel Hunley, a sophomore from Jackson, Tennessee.
Students also voted in favor of three referendums: to increase the Student Activity Fee by $5 per student; to continue to hold summer commencement exercises and to support the concept of opening an all-you-can eat dining location on campus.
Scott Stuart has served as Student Government Association Parliamentarian; he is a member of the University Honors Program (UHON) and has served as UHON Council Vice-President; he is Alumni Director for Lambda Chi Alpha Fraternity; he was named a member of Pi Sigma Alpha honors society, Mortar Board, Golden Key, and Honor Court. Stuart plans to attend law school and may pursue a political career. He plans to graduate in December 2009.
Stuart says his main goal is to find a way to make life just a little easier for students. “This includes providing more academic opportunities for students as well as increasing the amount of entertainment events so that students have something to do on campus that is fun. I want to get SGA out there and let people know that they can come to us if they see something they feel can be run more efficiently,” Stuart said.
Tyler Forrest has served as Chairman of the Projects Committee and Senator for the College of Business in SGA and as an inaugural member of the University of Tennessee Student Council. He is Vice-Chairman of the Student Conduct Board, President of Alpha Lambda Delta and Phi Eta Sigma, a Chancellor’s Ambassador, and a member of several other University committees. Forrest has an interest in business and politics, and hopes to attend law school upon graduation. Forrest plans to graduate in May 2010.
Daniel Hunley has served as an SGA senator and the Co-Chair of SGA Student Athletics. He is also a member of the UTC Crew Team and the University Honors Program, where he has served as a UHON Council Representative and the co-chair of the Community Service Committee. He works as a freelance graphic designer, often free of charge for church groups and student organizations. Hunley has a keen interest in design, and after graduation, he hopes to start up and run his own business in the design industry. Hunley plans to graduate in 2011 with degrees in Entrepreneurship and Marketing.