Representing Chancellor Roger Brown was UTC Provost, Dr. Phil
Oldham, signing the agreement with Chattanooga State President,
Dr. James CatanzaroWith the announcement of a new student transfer and program articulation agreement between The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and Chattanooga State, students can anticipate a seamless transfer of associate degree course credit to bachelor degree requirements.
“Creating access to higher education is a critical component of our metropolitan mission,” said UTC Chancellor Roger Brown. “This new agreement is another important step to help more students in our region to reach their higher education goals. UTC has worked closely with Chattanooga State to ensure the academic success of students who transfer here. The timing of the agreement also optimizes future employment opportunities for students who are interested in working for Volkswagen.”
The agreement ensures that students graduating from Chattanooga State will enter UTC with all general education requirements met and with junior year status (60 semester hours of credits). All other UTC academic regulations, including the major, degree, college/school and university standards (such as grade point average and retention requirements) must be satisfied. Transfer students from Chattanooga State will not be expected to meet any additional or fewer requirements than UTC students.
Dr. Oldham, District 26 Tennessee House Representative Gerald
McCormick and Dr. CatanzaroThe terms of the new agreement apply only if the Chattanooga State student graduates with an associate’s degree. Those students who contact UTC regarding transfer before earning an associate’s degree will be counseled to return to Chattanooga State to complete their associate’s degree.
“We are pleased to reach an agreement which uniquely serves the best interest of students for both institutions. It will encourage students to complete their degree at Chattanooga State, and it will strongly encourage them to finish their education at UTC. Special recognition ought to be given to UTC’s Chancellor Brown, Provost Philip Oldham, our provost and vice president for academic affairs, Dr. Fannie Hewlett and interim associate vice president for academic affairs, Kim McCormick. I’m sure this agreement will be welcomed by all our faculty and staff,” said Chattanooga State President James Catanzaro.
Chattanooga State students will be required to submit official transcripts to receive transfer credit at UTC, they cannot duplicate at UTC courses they have already received credit for at Chattanooga State and they will not receive transfer credit for remedial or pre-college level courses.

Dr. Oldham and Dr. Catanzaro answer questions