Chancellor Roger Brown and his wife Dr. Carolyn Thompson welcomed UTC Alumni Board of Directors and UTC supporters to their home for an appreciation picnic. Outgoing Alumni Board President Kim White and incoming president Mike Purcell attended. Chancellor Brown thanked outgoing members and welcomed new members on the Alumni Board of Directors and the UTC GOLD Council.
2009-2010 UTC Alumni Board of Directors
Rodney Allen, 1993
Kino Becton, 2003
Doug Brown, 1985
Bert Caldwell, 1963
Vince Carelli, 1990
Chantel Christian, student rep
Yancy Freeman, 1992
Lori Govan, 1993
Stacy Gray, 1996 – Secretary
Michael Griffin, 1985
Dale Ledford, 1999
Don Lepard, 1982
Scott LeRoy, 1979 – Treasurer
Tom Losh, 1971 – President-elect
Kimberly McCormick, 1989
Jean Payne, 1982
Nate Pinkard, 1976
Mike Purcell, 1998 – President
Tahnika Rodriguez, 1999
Britt Tabor, 1989
Susie Thompson, 1993
Mary Thompson, 1992 – Vice President
Kim White, 1982 – Immediate Past President
Conrad Woods, 1987
Steve Ziegler, 1981