Three free campus events are planned on Tuesday, September 15, to celebrate the University’s Founder’s Day:
11 a.m. – 1 p. – Founder’s Birthday Bash
Location: Heritage Plaza, on Vine Street near the University Center
The campus community is invited to browse through old yearbooks and memorabilia and enjoy a slice of birthday cake. The Chancellor’s Office will also give away pizza and beverages to the first 250 people who attend. Sponsored and facilitated by the UTC Student Alumni Council. Read more about the University’s 123 years here.
2 p.m. – Chancellor’s Convocation featuring Dr. Rita Geier
Location: UTC University Center
Join Chancellor Roger Brown as he welcomes special guest speaker Dr. Rita Geier, who will present “No Minds to Waste: Meeting the Challenge of Access to Higher Education.” Geier is Associate to the Chancellor and Senior Fellow at the Howard Baker Center for Public Policy at the University of Tennessee Knoxville. She leads efforts to achieve the university’s intercultural and diversity goals and examines and promotes solutions to critical public policy issues.

7 p.m. – George T. Hunter Lecture Series Presenting Majora Carter
Location: Roland Hayes Concert Hall – UTC Fine Arts Center
Activist and environmental leader, Majora Carter, will be the next speaker in the 2009 George T. Hunter Lecture Series. Carter is a leader in the environmental justice and green‐collar job movements. In 2006, Carter was the recipient of a MacArthur genius grant for her work in bringing sustainable development and green‐collar jobs to her South Bronx neighborhood. At UTC, she will speak on how we value each person in our community and actualize greatness in our community through environmental justice. The George T. Hunter Lecture Series is sponsored by the Benwood Foundation, in partnership with the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, the Ochs Center for Metropolitan Studies, and CreateHere.