An environmental symposium will be held on Thursday, April 1 from 8:30-11:30 a.m., at the SimCenter: National Center for Computational Engineering.
Experts will deliver eight presentations on topics including: invasive plant species, human and ecological environmental health, alternative energy research, the American chestnut blight and restoration, and air and water pollution monitoring in Hamilton County.
“The symposium was put together as part of our Strategic Planning initiative to increase research collaboration within the university and metropolitan area. The organizing committee has tried to invite speakers that gather data on, conduct research on or regulate air, water, or soil related organism or media,” said Sean Richards, Ph.D., associate professor biological and environmental sciences.
Each talk will be 15 minutes in duration with additional time for questions and introductions during a mid-morning coffee break. The event will start with an informal coffee meeting at 8 a.m.
The symposium gives environmental stakeholders from many different realms a chance to meet, discuss research, data, collaboration potential, or even develop new ideas for research. The event is open to the public and will be held in the UTC Sim Center Auditorium at 701 E. M.L. King Blvd.