Newly-elected students Andrew Clark, Brittany Justice, and Isaac Poor will lead the Student Government Association.

Andrew R. Clark, Human Resources Management Major from Manchester, Tennessee, was elected president of the UTC Student Government Association (SGA) for the 2010-11 academic year. Clark will be a senior in fall 2010 and plans to graduate in December 2011.
Following graduation, Clark is considering application to the UTC Masters of Public Administration Program, followed by post graduate work in Economic and Community Development and Higher Education Administration. He said he would like to pursue a career in higher education, specifically “at the greatest institution in America, UTC. I hope to make a career of the wonderful experiences I have now as a Moc.”
Clark’s honors include the 2010 UTC Blue and Gold Award of Excellence; 2009 UTC Leadership Merit Award and the 2007 Sons of the American Revolution Award. He was a workshop presenter at the 2008, 2009, 2010 state conference of the Future Business Leaders of America.
In 2009-10, Clark served as UTC SGA Vice President; in 2008-09 he was named SGA Secretary; in 2008, he was elected President of the Freshman Senate. He has also served as: director of UTC Homecoming; director of Up‘til Dawn, a campus fundraiser for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital; Chancellor’s Ambassador; UTC Honor Court member; campus Environmental Task Force member and Special Olympics Regional Tournament Site Coordinator.
He graduated from Coffee County Central High School.

Brittany L. Justice of Gallitan, Tennessee, was elected SGA Vice President. She hopes to begin her career with an internship in accounting or finance. Justice expects to graduate in May 2011 with a degree in Bachelor of Science in Business Administration: Accounting and Finance.
She is a Beta Gamma Sigma member; served as the St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital fundraiser Up ‘til Dawn Teams Co-Chair; and she was named to Golden Key International Honour Society and Alpha Lambda Delta Honor Society. Earlier in her collegiate career, Justice served as Vice Chair of the UTC SGA Parking Appeals Committee and she was named UTC Student Government Association Outstanding Senator of the Year.
Justice graduated from Gallatin High School.

Isaac H. Poore of Kenton, Tennessee, will serve as SGA Treasurer. He will be a senior in fall 2010 with plans to graduate in December 2011. He has a double major in Accounting and Finance. His future education plans include a Master in Accountancy degree and a law degree. He would like to continue working for Merrill Lynch and hopes to become a financial adviser.
In SGA, Poore has served as Campus Observations Committee Chair; Social Issues Committee Member; he is a UTC Environmental Task Force Member and he coordinated AIDS testing on campus.
He has been an Echo Staff Member features article writer.
Poore graduated from Union City High School in Union City, Tennessee.