Using their creativity to invest in the rejuvenation of M.L. King Boulevard, UTC art students contributed their talents to “Re-Vision MLK.” Students formed a partnership with the Center for Creative Arts, and Leadership Chattanooga.
“We hope to put the area in the spotlight and spark interest from entrepreneurs,” said Leigh Todd, a Leadership Chattanooga team member.
Art students designed and installed storefront displays in vacant buildings on M.L. King Blvd. between Mabel and University Streets.
Matt Greenwell, UC Foundation professor and head of the art department, said students in his senior design course created three storefront themes that include a Mad Lab that sells pet monster supplies; Instacitiosity, which transforms small towns into big cities; and the Ever Lasting Store, where you can buy everlasting love and wealth.
“It was a cool and amazing opportunity for a senior project, to design and install our own concept,” said Greenwell.
Sixteen students in the class developed ideas and most of the items they used were secondhand or repurposed.
“The big idea was to beautify empty storefronts and we wanted to incorporate UTC and art. It is part of an ongoing effort to revitalize the area and encourage students to stay in Chattanooga,” said Kristi Haulsee, Vice President of Member-Investor Services at the Chattanooga Area Chamber of Commerce and member of Leadership Chattanooga.