Once again, The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga has been selected as the only public university to be named a College of Distinction in Tennessee.
UTC is recognized for meeting the four characteristics of a College of Distinction:
- Engaged Students
- Great Teaching
- Vibrant Community
- Successful Outcomes
In a letter of recognition to the University, Wes Creel, founder of Colleges of Distinction wrote, “The Colleges of Distinction cultivate graduates who are well rounded, successful citizens with the capacity to contribute to their communities, their nations, and the world.”
Universities are first nominated for recognition by high school college counselors, college administrative members, and the Colleges of Distinction selection team. Nominated universities are filtered through the Colleges of Distinction selection process where graduation rates, classroom size, and campus visits distinguish the university.
According to their website, Colleges of Distinctions’ “classrooms are among the most exciting in the country; their programs are some of the most innovative.”
Check out UTC’s profile at Colleges of Distincion.
I would like to verify the students’ mailing address. Is it P.o. Box 18011 or P.O. Box 180111?
Thank you for an early response.
P.O. Box 18011 is the primary mailing address for UTC Housing.
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