Dr. Linda Frost, Dean of Honors College, UTC; Dr. Steven Angle, Chancellor, UTC; Dr. Bill Seymour, President, CSCC and Dr. Victoria Bryan, Director of CSCC Honors Program.
Cleveland State Community College and the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) recently signed an honors articulation agreement that will allow students from Cleveland State’s honor’s program to transfer into UTC’s Honor’s College in their Innovations in Honors (IIH) program.
“This is a great occasion between Cleveland State and UTC to sign an agreement for an honors college articulation,” stated Dr. Bill Seymour, CSCC President. “It’s very important that we provide opportunities for our students, and CSCC has developed a wonderful honors program as well as our presidential honors scholarship. This is a great opportunity to give students the chance to move on to their four-year college or university program and carry on that honors program tradition throughout their college career.”
Under this new partnership, students transferring from Cleveland State’s Honors Program will be admitted to the Honors College at UTC provided they complete their associate’s degrees in good standing—with at least a 3.25 GPA.
This new agreement coincides with the dual admissions agreement signed by both colleges in March of last year. The dual admission agreement allows students to apply for admission simultaneously at both campuses while pursuing an associate’s degree at Cleveland State. Participants will benefit from guaranteed admission to UTC upon earning an associate’s degree from Cleveland State. Students can save money by enrolling in their first two years at lower community college tuition and fees. Both campuses will provide students with a more personalized level of advising because participants’ entire degree path will be available at the onset of their college careers. Participants in the dual admissions program will receive a UTC student ID card and can take advantage of some campus services as well as attend UTC events.
UTC Chancellor Dr. Steven Angle, said, “This is another step in our relationship as institutions to better serve our students and our communities well. Students will have a seamless pathway to move to a four-year degree and know what is going to count up front…It does really coincide with the Tennessee Promise, an affordable four-year degree where the first two years at CSCC are covered with the Governor’s program, and then students can move on to UTC.”

Cleveland State honors students attend the Honors Articulation signing with UTC and Cleveland State administrators.
Seymour added, “This is our 50th anniversary this year, and we are celebrating 50 years of service to our community. We are always looking for ways to celebrate and what better way to do so than by providing programs that enhance the students’ experience?”