UTC has been designated as 2019-2020 Military Friendly school by a national veterans organization.
Created in 2003, the Military Friendly program helps veterans find jobs when they retire from active service.
Military Friendly Schools strive towards and succeed in the areas that matter most in helping veterans make the transition from the military to school and, ultimately, satisfying careers in the civilian world,” according to the organization’s website.
Based in part on a school-submitted survey, the group’s calculations show that UTC exceeded standards in six categories: Academic Policies and Compliance, Admissions and Orientation, Culture and Commitment, Financial Aid and Assistance, Graduation and Career and Military Student Support and Retention.
“By setting a standard, promoting it and raising the bar over time, it provides long-term, positive reinforcement for American organizations to invest in programs that improve the lives of veterans,” Military Friendly says on its website.
Also, a great many of us went through the ROTC program and then active duty.
Congratulations to UTC for the honor! I’m proud to be an alumnus