ReSEARCH Dialogues has not been held on the UTC campus since April 2019.
What: ReSEARCH Dialogues
When: 9 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Tuesday-Wednesday, April 12-13
Where: UTC University Center
Two years ago, ReSEARCH Dialogues was canceled entirely due to COVID-19. Last year, it was online only, still battling pandemic restrictions.
This year, the annual two-day event is back and live on the campus of the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. As in previous years, it features presentations on research and creative projects conducted by UTC undergraduate and graduate students, faculty and staff.
For Lisa Piazza, director of the Department of Undergraduate Research and Creative Endeavor, the word “super-excited” covers her emotions about the return.
“Since this is the first ‘live’ RD event in two years, we are super-excited to host the event on campus this year,” she said.
“For some of our students, this will be the first in-person presentation in some time. For others, it represents the only opportunity they will have during their time at UTC to present their research/creative projects.”
This year, ReSEARCH Dialogues features 250 presentations from 575 presenters and represents a wide variety of institutions and community organizations, she said.
“For this reason, it was essential for us to bring the event back to campus this year to both celebrate and acknowledge all of the phenomenal research and creative activity being conducted.”
Several new events also have been added this year:
Fly for Researchers 2022 Pitch Competition: Six faculty members will ask local business experts and entrepreneurs whether their research has the potential to raise investment money from the world of business. Prizes are $20,000 for first place, $10,000 for second and $5,000 for third. Winners will be able to use these funds for supplies, travel, student support or other expenses to accelerate the success of their ideas, innovations and commercialization objectives.
Hosted by the UTC Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and sponsored by the offices of the UTC Vice Chancellor and the UT System Vice President for Research and Administration, Fly for Researchers will be held Tuesday from 3:30-5 p.m. in the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Mapp Building. Shuttle service will be available between the University Center and the Mapp Building.
Undergraduate Fly Pitch Competition: Like faculty members in the Fly Pitch, local business experts and entrepreneurs will listen to undergraduates’ research ideas and decide on their commercial viability. Prizes will include $2,000 for first place, $1,000 for second and $50 in Scrappy Cash for all others who pitch in the event. The top two winning teams also will receive non-cash prizes include free accounting and legal consulting.
Hosted by the UTC Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship and sponsored by the Gary W. Rollins College of Business, the competition will held Wednesday from 3:30-5 p.m. in the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Mapp Building. Shuttle service will be available between the University Center and the Mapp Building.
Discovery Exhibitors Showcase will share information about UTC graduate programs, special campus events, academic programs, UTC student organizations and clubs and more. The showcase takes place held each day of ReSearch Dialogues from 11:30 a.m.-12:45 p.m. in the University Center Chattanooga Rooms.