A quantum particle in a superposition of states, symbolizing the inherent uncertainty in quantum measurements. Generative Ai.
It’s not a mysterious quantum property that turns a day—World Quantum Day—into six weeks.
It’s just that in Chattanooga, where so much is happening with so many collaborators in the quantum arena, all the insights and learning opportunities simply can’t be fit into just one day.
To kick off local focus on World Quantum Day 2024 (April 14), the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga hosts Dr. Joe Lukens in a presentation on Wednesday, April 17, in the UTC Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the James R. Mapp Building on campus.
Lukens is formerly with Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) and currently head of quantum networking at Arizona State University (ASU). His talk is free and open to the public, and ample free parking is available at the Mapp Building. For those unable to attend in person, the presentation can be watched online via livestream here.
In his talk, “Quantum Advantage: Networking,” Lukens will be discussing principles of quantum mechanics including entanglement, network demonstrations and future applications with an audience based in a region that is home to the recently launched Chattanooga Quantum Collaborative, multiple collaborations involving ORNL, EPB, Qubitekk and UTC; and federal funding support for several quantum projects.
After earning a doctorate in electrical engineering from Purdue University, Lukens served as a Wigner Fellow and Research Scientist in Quantum Information Science at ORNL. He is now senior director of Quantum Networking and Research Professor at ASU, with a joint faculty appointment at ORNL.
See the entire list of quantum learning events and opportunities and make plans to engage here.