Fall classes begin Monday, August 17. The last day to register in day or evening classes, to add a subject, or to change section for fall semester is Friday, August 21. Here is a list of things to know to ensure a smooth start to the new school year:
Students who have gone through New Student Orientation should have already registered. However, if a student has not registered for classes, an academic advisor meeting must be arranged. All students must see an advisor before registering for classes. New students, those with less than 30 semester hours and those who have not declared a major may be advised in the Retention and Advisement Office, Room 278, University Center. Current students who have declared a major should contact their department head for advisement. Non-traditional students can be advised in the Adult Services Center, also located in Room 278 in the University Center.
After a student has received advisement, online registration through the MOCS Net account is available. Access online registration by clicking on the Student Information link, then select “Register, Add, Drop.” Please have the Secure ID (SID) number and an advisement code to register. If a student does not have the SID, a photo ID can be brought to the Records office in 109 Race Hall to receive the SID.
What is a Hold?
A hold can be placed on an account if a student has an outstanding debt with the University, which could include unpaid parking tickets, remaining tuition balance, etc., or if the student has not turned in required documents to the University. A student with a hold will not be able to register. These holds must be cleared before registration can occur. However, those with a Developmental Hold, will be able to register. Access hold information with the MOCS Net account under ‘Student Information.”
What to do if a class is closed
To register for a class with no open sections, take a Closed Class form to the department head of that class. For example, if a student wants to register for BIOL 121 and the class is closed, then that student needs to get permission from the head of the biology department. The department head must sign the closed class form. Once signed, the department head will open the class to allow the student to register online. The student must register within 24 hours.
Important Dates
Thursday, August 6–last day to pay fees and confirm plans to attend the University for fall semester. If classes are not confirmed, they will be cancelled.
Monday, August 17—classes begin.
Friday, August 28– last day to drop a class before a W (withdrawal) is recorded on the transcript.
Welcome Week
A variety of exciting events are planned for Welcome Week, the first week of classes. Plan to attend the annual Oak Street Roast and Organizational Fair. Read more…
MOCS Camp 2009
Since 2007, MOCS Camp has helped ease the transition from high school to college. Learn more about all the fun that MOCS Camp has to offer.