According to the Tennessee Department of Health, one of three adults age 65 or older falls each year. For older adults, a fall can cause severe injuries, such as fractures or concussions. Falling and the fear of falling can hamper individuals’ ability to lead healthy, independent lives. UTC students from various fields did their part to help prevent falls at Fall Prevention Awareness Day.
UTC named among best universities in the South
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga is ranked once again in the Top Tier of Southern Regional Universities in U.S. News and World Report’s 2014 college rankings.
Physical therapy professor earns national honor
Dr. Deborah Ingram was presented with the Catherine Worthingham Fellow award by the American Physical Therapy Association (APTA) on June 27 in Salt Lake City. It is the highest honor that the APTA bestows.
New Japan Outreach Coordinator offers classroom presentations
Asami Nakano likes to learn new things about America and when she returns to her native Japan, she enjoys sharing her knowledge. It delights her when Americans are curious about the culture of her home country.
Faculty promotions and tenure
New Deans, Department Heads, Promotions and Tenured Faculty.
Regional teachers learn new English Learner strategies
Southeast Tennessee students are busy adjusting to new school schedules and perhaps acknowledging a little anxiety about taking a new math or science class.
Free Seminar: Sports Concussion Education
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga and the Chattanooga Concussion Prevention Initiative are hosting a FREE sports concussion seminar for community coaches, parents, and school administrators in conjunction with Vanderbilt Sports Concussion Center.
Nursing educator shares expertise in China
A new East-West relationship aims to improve nursing student outcomes in China. Specifically, educators there are interested in simulation learning techniques used by UTC professors.
High school students experience teaching profession at UTC Governor’s School
A few weeks ago, Elizabeth Mason and Erinie Yousief were taking notes and studying for finals. Now, the high school students are making their own lesson plans and teaching students as part of their experience at the UTC Governor’s School for Prospective Teachers.
Dream to be a nurse
Carla Thomas Ramsey approached her nursing education at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga quietly. After she was accepted into a program designed to assist her academic success, she discovered it also helped her to interact more with others.