Bitcoin, Etherium and zcoin are dominating newsfeeds, but what are they exactly? The College of Engineering and Computer Science invites the public to learn more about the status of crypto-currency and gain insight into the future of e-commerce.
Student-made film on arrests of Iranian scholars sets screening next week
Honors College studentrs have put together a short film on the arrests of an Iranian-born Ph.D. student and a physician on what appear to be trumped-up charges of espionage.
Noted author delivers keynote address at SouthWord Lit Festival
Novelist, poet and environmental activist Wendell Berry was the keynote speaker at the SouthWord Lit Festival.
Highlighting the efforts of ordinary people in the Civil Rights Movement
Presentation will focus on the grassroots efforts of ordinary people during the Civil Rights Movement.
Gentlemen’s Leadership Institute teaches skills for management
You can learn the skills to be an inspiring, effective leader at this year’s Gentlemen’s Leadership Institute.
MOCForward: Topics, including touchy ones, discussed at Diversity & Inclusion conference
Multiple aspects of diversity and inclusion—some on touchy topics—were presented at the inaugural Moving Our Campus (MOC) Forward: An Inclusive Excellence Conference
Lecture considers the ‘lost virtue’ of moderation and its relationship with politics on Oct. 19
In his lecture, “In Praise of a Forgotten Virtue: Moderation in the Twenty-First Century,” Aurelian Craiutu explores questions surrounding the forgotten virtue and the relationship moderation has—or should have—with politics.
MOCForward: Methods to incorporate and understand Diversity & Inclusion
Embracing diversity and inclusion is one of the four top goals in UTC’s Strategic Plan and, to achieve that objective, a new, all-day conference has been scheduled this month.
Levar Smith explores ‘Anxieties of Democracy’ with campus lecture on Sept. 27
Guest speaker Levar Smith will present “Anxieties of Democracy: Lessons from South Africa and Zimbabwe” as part of the Political Science and Public Service’s “Sweet Research” series.
Award-winning author Andrea Wulf to speak on Oct. 5
Andrea Wulf, historian and author of The Invention of Nature: Alexander von Humboldt’s New World, will visit UTC on Oct. 5 to give a lecture, sign books and interact with students, faculty, staff and Chattanooga community members.