When the engines begin to roar at 2009 Baja Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) Alabama at Auburn University April 16-19, the UTC team’s entry will be an entirely new vehicle built and designed “from the ground up” according to Ben Klingler, Project Manager.
UTC Music Department offerings
The UTC Percussion Ensemble, choral groups and the UTC Symphonic Band will be performing in the coming week:
Renee Haugerud to deliver spring commencement address
Renee Haugerud, Managing Principal and CIO of Galtere Ltd., a New York City based $2 billion dollar commodity hedge fund organization, will deliver the spring commencement address to approximately 850 graduates of The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga on Sunday, May 3 at 2 p.m. in McKenzie Arena.
THEC grants aimed at improving teacher education
The Tennessee Higher Education Commission (THEC) has awarded funding to five projects from The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga, for a total of $358,937. UTC had more Improving Teacher Quality (ITQ) Grant Program proposals funded than any other Tennessee higher education institution.
Computational engineering candidate promotes STEM education
Four of the five new awards granted by the Tennessee Higher Education Commission will fund Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education projects to improve teacher education. Improving STEM education is a national goal, a duty taken on by The SimCenter: The National Center for Computational Engineering at UTC. Computational engineering Ph.D. candidate Vince Betro,…
2009 UTC SoCon Winter Sports Champs honored
A celebration of the 2009 UTC SoCon Winter Sport Champions gave coaches an opportunity to thank students, the campus and community for their support. Representatives from men’s indoor track, wrestling, women’s basketball, and men’s basketball champions were honored.
Music Department offerings
The UTC Department of Music offers a Faculty Chamber Concert, a Jazz Band performance and “Catch the Groove” with the Percussion Ensemble:
Take a germ quiz with Dr. Henry Spratt
Which holds more germs, a dishrag or a bathroom doorknob? Germ Quiz Master Dr. Henry Spratt, professor in the Department of Biological and Environmental Sciences, is the star of a news piece aired recently by WDEF, Channel 12. Enjoy an entertaining look at a nasty household problem. View the Germ Quiz.
Cosy Sheridan to present concert April 8
Cosy Sheridan will present a UTC Take Back the Night Concert for Sexual Awareness Month. The public is welcome to this free event to be held Wednesday, April 8 at 8 p.m. in the UTC Amphitheater, next to the Fine Arts Center.
Music Department offerings
The UTC Music Department is offering three events this week featuring Guest Artist Jill Felber, Flute; the UTC Chamber Ensemble Concert and the UTC Faculty Chamber Concert.