Dr. Murat Barisik and Dr. Vahid Disfani were principal investigators on grants landing Center for Excellence in Applied Computational Science and Engineering (CEACSE) Convergent Research Initiative awards.
UTC recognizes faculty with grants, professorships, promotions, tenure and professional development leave
As we begin the fall semester, we celebrate not only the return of our students but also the significant achievements of our colleagues. At UTC, we honor the outstanding accomplishments of our faculty, many of whom have achieved tenure or promotion. We are privileged to serve alongside such a distinguished faculty body and invite you to join me in congratulating them. UTC is committed to fostering the intellectual growth of both students and faculty. Our development grants support high-value proposals for scholarship, research, and creative activity, while professional development leaves offer periods of renewal and reflection away from regular duties, benefiting faculty on their intellectual journeys.
UTC engineering prof wins prestigious NSF CAREER award
While Dr. Hamdy Ibrahim’s career is considered to be in its early stages today, the National Science Foundation has just cast a big vote of confidence in its future. Ibrahim, a UTC assistant professor of mechanical engineering, is the recipient of a CAREER award from the NSF Faculty Early Career Development Program.
Where are they now? 2022 Fly for Researchers winners discuss the progress of their projects
The 2nd Annual UTC Fly for Researchers Faculty Pitch Competition will be held from 3:30-5 p.m. on Wednesday, April 19, in the Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, located in the Mapp Building (410 E. Eighth St.).
Fly for Researchers pitch competition set for April 19
The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga’s Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship, housed in the Gary W. Rollins College of Business, will host the 2nd annual Fly for Researchers Pitch Competition for UTC faculty and graduate student innovators at 3:30 p.m. on Wednesday, April 19.
Research seeks dissolving metal implants for broken bones
Current metal implants must be surgically removed if problems arise.
Center of Excellence in Applied Computational Science and Engineering 2022 Awardees
Eight faculty-led projects spanning multiple departments at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga have been awarded over $700,000 in support from the competitive CEACSE program.